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Friday, November 25, 2011
I've been very busy.
Feel tired.
Still have bunch of things to do tomorrow, including uploading pictures from my trip to JBR yesterday.
I bet you will like it.
Mata ne.
-__- ZzZzzzz...
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Week of Trouble
As it title, this week is a week of trouble for me T__T
Wanna know know the list? lol, here we go..
trouble #1 - nov18 my laptop cooling pad was broken
trouble #2 - nov19 my mouse was broken
trouble #3 - nov20 my laptop's operating system was broken, need to reinstall it
trouble #4 - nov22 the new cooling pad that I bought on nov19 was broken, only few days after I bought it (what??? $#%&*%$#^&$!!!)
trouble #5 - my internet modem is getting slower and slower (could we consider it as broken?@.@)
Quite a lot neh? T_T
Thinking about it, I remember a song by Lenka - Trouble is A Friend. Perfect fit for me rite? lol
Btw, click here for download Trouble is a Friend by Lenka.
Yeah, trouble is a friend! I won't be beaten by YOU!! d^.^b
free download songs,
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Keeps Getting Better ( A Decade of Hits)
Christina Aguilera, beautiful woman with a beautiful voice! I love her songs since I was in junior high, yes.. it was years ago. Long long time ago indeed, lol. In this compilation album, Christina will spoil our ears with her greatest songs. Yeah I like it! And I bet you will like it too ^__^
Below are the track list:
01 Genie In The Bottle
02 What A Girl Wants
03 I Turn to You
04 Come on Over (All I Want is You)
05 Nobody Wants to be Lonely feat. Ricky Martin
06 Lady Marmalade with Lil Kim, Mya, Pink
07 Dirty
08 Fighter
09 Beautiful
10 Ain't No Other Man
11 Candy Man
12 Hurt
13 Genie 2.0
14 Keep Gettin' Better
15 Dynamite
16 You Are What You Are (Beautiful)
Now, it's the fun part! Click here for free download Keeps Gettin' Better (A Decade of Hits) album.
Enjoy!!! ^__^
christina aguilera,
free download songs
Friday, November 18, 2011
Japanese Artists in Samurai Style
Okay, now forget about Samurai book. Let's talk about handsome Japanese guys in Samurai style as a bonus, lol
yes, it's Ikuta Toma! Kakkoi ne? :-*
How about him?
Yes, our King of Drama.. Takuya Kimura @ Love and Honor ^__^ He always look Kakkoi rite in every drama? :-D
Yamashita Tomohisa @ Byakkotai
Akanishi Jin samurai style
Matsumoto Jun @The Last Princess - why Jun looks like Sun Go Kong in here I wonder?? @__@
Kamenashi Kazuya Samurai Style
Oguri Shun @Tenchijin
Tsumabuki Satoshi @ Tenchijin
Ninomiya Kazunari @ Ooku
Samurai - Musashi
That's what came to my mind at the first time I saw this guy face. Amazingly has a very Japanese face with goatee and a bit mustaches plus medium tied hair :D I think he has classical Japanese face, or is it me and my interpretation only?? Too bad I cannot show his face in here, cuz it will against his right as human, hahaha.. He will be famous in few minutes and then chasing me with Katana :p Gomen ne K-san...
Talking about Samurai, I remember book that written by Eiji Yoshikawa
The first time I saw this book was in my university library. My first impression was
"Wow cool! A book about Japanese Samurai!"
Second impression was
"OMG it's so thick! I could beat on thief using this book, haha.."
I tried to find the synopsis of this book as follow
Price range (soft cover) : IDR131,750 @bukukita
Miyamoto Musashi adalah anak desa yang bercita-cita menjadi samurai sejati. Di tahun 1600 yang penuh pergolakan itu, ia menceburkan diri ke dalam Pertempuran Sekigahara, tanpa menyadari betul apa yang diperbuatnya. Setelah pertempuran berakhir, ia mendapati dirinya terbaring kalah dan terluka di tengah ribuan mayat yang bergelimpangan.
Dalam perjalanan pulang, ia melakukan tindakan gegabah yang membuatnya menjadi buronan hingga seorang pendeta Zen berhasil menaklukkannya. Otsu, gadis cantik yang mengaguminya, membebaskan Musashi dari hukumannya, tapi Musashi kembali tertangkap. Selama tiga tahun ia mesti menjalani kehidupan mengasingkan diri, dan masa-masa itu dipergunakannya untuk menyelami karya-karya klasik Jepang dan Cina.
Setelah bebas kembali, ia menolak diberi jabatan sebagai samurai. Selama beberapa tahun berikutnya, ia mengejar cita-citanya dengan tekad penuh mengukuti Jalan Pedang, dan menjadi samurai sejati. Lambat laun ia mengerti bahwa mengikuti Jalan Pedang bukan sekedar mencari sasaran untuk mencoba kekuatannya. Ia terus mengasah kemampuan, belajar dari alam dan mendisiplinkan diri untuk menjadi manusia sejati. Ia menjadi pahlawan yang tidak mau menonjolkan diri bagi orang-orang yang hidupnya telah ia sentuh atau telah menyentuh dirinya. Ujian puncak baginya adalah ketika ia harus bertarung melawan Sasaki Kojiro, saingan terberatnya yang masih muda dan sangat tangguh. Mereka akan mengadu kemampuan, dan Musashi ingin membuktikan bahwa kekuatan dan keterampilan bukan satu-satunya yang bisa diandalkan untuk menentukan kemenangan.
Dalam perjalanan pulang, ia melakukan tindakan gegabah yang membuatnya menjadi buronan hingga seorang pendeta Zen berhasil menaklukkannya. Otsu, gadis cantik yang mengaguminya, membebaskan Musashi dari hukumannya, tapi Musashi kembali tertangkap. Selama tiga tahun ia mesti menjalani kehidupan mengasingkan diri, dan masa-masa itu dipergunakannya untuk menyelami karya-karya klasik Jepang dan Cina.
Setelah bebas kembali, ia menolak diberi jabatan sebagai samurai. Selama beberapa tahun berikutnya, ia mengejar cita-citanya dengan tekad penuh mengukuti Jalan Pedang, dan menjadi samurai sejati. Lambat laun ia mengerti bahwa mengikuti Jalan Pedang bukan sekedar mencari sasaran untuk mencoba kekuatannya. Ia terus mengasah kemampuan, belajar dari alam dan mendisiplinkan diri untuk menjadi manusia sejati. Ia menjadi pahlawan yang tidak mau menonjolkan diri bagi orang-orang yang hidupnya telah ia sentuh atau telah menyentuh dirinya. Ujian puncak baginya adalah ketika ia harus bertarung melawan Sasaki Kojiro, saingan terberatnya yang masih muda dan sangat tangguh. Mereka akan mengadu kemampuan, dan Musashi ingin membuktikan bahwa kekuatan dan keterampilan bukan satu-satunya yang bisa diandalkan untuk menentukan kemenangan.
Miyamoto Musashi was the child of an era when Japan was emerging from decades of civil strife. Lured to the great Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 by the hope of becoming a samurai-without really knowing what it meant-he regains consciousness after the battle to find himself lying defeated, dazed and wounded among thousands of the dead and dying. On his way home, he commits a rash act, becomes a fugitive and brings life in his own village to a standstill-until he is captured by a weaponless Zen monk.
The lovely Otsu, seeing in Musashi her ideal of manliness, frees him from his tortuous punishment, but he is recaptured and imprisoned. During three years of solitary confinement, he delves into the classics of Japan and China. When he is set free again, he rejects the position of samurai and for the next several years pursues his goal relentlessly, looking neither to left nor to right.
Ever so slowly it dawns on him that following the Way of the Sword is not simply a matter of finding a target for his brute strength. Continually striving to perfect his technique, which leads him to a unique style of fighting with two swords simultaneously, he travels far and wide, challenging fighters of many disciplines, taking nature to be his ultimate and severest teacher and undergoing the rigorous training of those who follow the Way. He is supremely successful in his encounters, but in the Art of War he perceives the way of peaceful and prosperous governance and disciplines himself to be a real human being.
He becomes a reluctant hero to a host of people whose lives he has touched and been touched by. And, inevitably, he has to pit his skill against the naked blade of his greatest rival.
Musashi is a novel in the best tradition of Japanese story telling. It is a living story, subtle and imaginative, teeming with memorable characters, many of them historical. Interweaving themes of unrequited love, misguided revenge, filial piety and absolute dedication to the Way of the Samurai, it depicts vividly a world Westerners know only vaguely. Full of gusto and humor, it has an epic quality and universal appeal.
It's a very thick book for sure, but this book I will add in my wishing list for sure :D Now I have so many books that I bought and sat down in my book shelf nicely, I don't have time to read it yet, lol. If I buy this Musashi book in the near future, then it will need to queuing to be read, haha...
Price (hard cover) : USD23.10 @amazon
The classic samurai novel about the real exploits of the most famous swordsman. Miyamoto Musashi was the child of an era when Japan was emerging from decades of civil strife. Lured to the great Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 by the hope of becoming a samurai-without really knowing what it meant-he regains consciousness after the battle to find himself lying defeated, dazed and wounded among thousands of the dead and dying. On his way home, he commits a rash act, becomes a fugitive and brings life in his own village to a standstill-until he is captured by a weaponless Zen monk.
The lovely Otsu, seeing in Musashi her ideal of manliness, frees him from his tortuous punishment, but he is recaptured and imprisoned. During three years of solitary confinement, he delves into the classics of Japan and China. When he is set free again, he rejects the position of samurai and for the next several years pursues his goal relentlessly, looking neither to left nor to right.
Ever so slowly it dawns on him that following the Way of the Sword is not simply a matter of finding a target for his brute strength. Continually striving to perfect his technique, which leads him to a unique style of fighting with two swords simultaneously, he travels far and wide, challenging fighters of many disciplines, taking nature to be his ultimate and severest teacher and undergoing the rigorous training of those who follow the Way. He is supremely successful in his encounters, but in the Art of War he perceives the way of peaceful and prosperous governance and disciplines himself to be a real human being.
He becomes a reluctant hero to a host of people whose lives he has touched and been touched by. And, inevitably, he has to pit his skill against the naked blade of his greatest rival.
Musashi is a novel in the best tradition of Japanese story telling. It is a living story, subtle and imaginative, teeming with memorable characters, many of them historical. Interweaving themes of unrequited love, misguided revenge, filial piety and absolute dedication to the Way of the Samurai, it depicts vividly a world Westerners know only vaguely. Full of gusto and humor, it has an epic quality and universal appeal.
It's a very thick book for sure, but this book I will add in my wishing list for sure :D Now I have so many books that I bought and sat down in my book shelf nicely, I don't have time to read it yet, lol. If I buy this Musashi book in the near future, then it will need to queuing to be read, haha...
eiji yoshikawa
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Cold oh Cold...
Yes cold, I have cold rite now. After about 3 years never fall for cold, this last 2 days.. I defeated T__T
Refer to wikipedia:
The common cold (also known as nasopharyngitis, acute viral rhinopharyngitis, acute coryza, or a cold) (Latin: rhinitis acuta catarrhalis) is a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory system, caused primarily by rhinoviruses and coronaviruses.[1] Common symptoms include a cough, sore throat, runny nose, and fever. There is no cure for the common cold, but symptoms usually resolve in 7 to 10 days, with some symptoms possibly lasting for up to three weeks
I'm a kind of person that won't consume any chemical medicine to cure my cold. I stopped to consume chemical medicine since I was in high school. I believe that to cure cold you only need:
* drink more water (preferably warm water, hot tea also give comfortable sensation for blocked nose)
* eat more (never ever reduce your meal portion although you feel not appetizing to eat, eat more that will help your body to cure your self faster)
* take a good rest (8 hours a day is a must when you are in cold) - I read in one of medical article that in sleeping stage, our body is repairing it self.
* consume honey - to help body defense
* consume black nigella oil - it also help your body to cure faster
It always works for me, I hope it could also work for you ^__^
PS : don't forget to use face mask so you wont infect people surround you, give them love not viruses! lol
I also have info yoga for cold, I will write later.. so stay tuned ^__^
Orange Sky - Orenji No Sora
Yeah, orange sky!
It's something rare to watch orange sky in my neighborhood, yet it was so beautiful!
Awgh.. I really want to see orange sky in the beach again T__T When I have a chance to go to the beach, I will take a pic of sunset for sure!! I hope it will be in the near future...
my pictures
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