Monday, September 12, 2011

Mike Shinoda - The Raid (Serbuan Maut)

Posted by engi at 10:38:00 PM
Mike Shinoda (Linkin park) always amaze me with his work . Currently he has new project and his project is related to my beloved country Indonesia! <3 Mike apparently working on the score of Indonesian movie called The Raid (Serbuan Maut). Please refer to video below for your reference:

It's under MATURE AUDIENCES rating, so should you are underage please do not continue to watch it. I will provide some pics of this movie for you ;)

or you could watch it directly @ 

Production : PT Merantau Films/XYZ Films
Director : Gareth Evans
Producer : Ario Sagantoro
Executive Producer : Maya Barack-Evans
Cinematografi: Matt Flannery
Editor : Gareth Huw Evans
Production designer : Moti D. Setyanto
Music: Fajar Yuskemal, Aria Prayogi
Cast: Iko Uwais, Yayan Ruhian, Joe Taslim, Doni Alamsyah, dan Ray Sahetapy

Below is the synopsis of The Raid:
In the heart of Jakarta lies a rundown apart¬ment infested with druggies and drifters. It’s ruled by a ruthless drug lord who uses the tenement to shelter his junkie customers, pushers, enforcers and brutal killers. The apartment block is considered untouch¬able by even the bravest of police—until one early morning when, cloaked under dawn’s dark¬ness, an elite SWAT team, led by officer Rama (Uwais), raids the peril-filled structure.  As Rama’s squad races between the maze of rooms and floors, encountering a barrage of gunfire, machetes, and ruthless hand-to-hand combat around every corner, the stakes get higher and higher building to an explosive crescendo and an ultimate battle.

My opinion,
* the music is GOOD as I expected from Mike Shinoda <3 As the trailer reach into it ends the tense of the music is getting higher and more mixing on it. Like it!
* the trailer, is very violent yes, and you could see blood everywhere. The actors have a very good martial art skill, make your eyes wide open when they start hitting, kicking, shooting:D The filming just very good, just like a Hollywood movie. A very good quality for Indonesian movie! ^__^

As it's selected in some international film festival such as Toronto International Film Festival, Sitges Fantastic International Film Festival, Busan International Film Festival and also after watching this heart pumping trailer. We should watch this movie for sure! It will be in Indonesian theaters in January 2012, so don't missed it!

Source : collider


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