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Monday, March 28, 2011
Whhhhhooooooaaaaaa.... I'm yawning for so many times just now.. oxygen.. my brain require oxygen! :D
It's 9pm and I feel very tired.. The whole family went to bed already. It's raining outside, the air is very cold. I'm wearing thick jacket and it doesn't help much. Actually I still have many things to do, my stock coming this afternoon and I need to make report about it and update my store display. But well.. I cannot make it today, better to continue tomorrow. It will be a busy day! Like Japanese says, "Ganbatte kudasai!" I'll do my best then ^.^
Ah, another thing. My new interest : YOGA. I started to learn yoga this morning, as beginner that learning through a book n video, it's not as easy as what I thought, to do those yoga positions. I'm not as good as when I was practicing karate back then. Getting old people.. not much pliancy and strength here. Man.. I'm getting old! Hahahaha...
Ah.. I think I've hurt my back, it's better to go to bed now -_- I'll brush my teeth, take my medicine and go to bed then.. c ya tomorrow ^.^
Konbanwa *.*
Konvensi Bagi Mereka Yang Terluka Dalam Percintaan
Ketentuan Umum :
A - Peribahasa yang mengatakan "all is fair in love and war / dalam urusan cinta dan peperangan semua dapat dilakukan" sepenuhnya benar;
B - Dalam hal perang, kita memiliki Konvensi Jenewa, yang disahkan pada 22 Agustus 1864, yang melindungi mereka yang terluka dalam medan pertempuran, tapi sampai sekarang belum ada konvensi yang ditandatangani mengenai mereka yang terluka dalam percintaan, yang jumlah korbannya jauh lebih besar.
Dengan ini memutuskan bahwa:
Pasal 1 - Semua pecinta, dari jenis kelamin apapun, sadar bahwa cinta, selain merupakan karunia juga merupakan sesuatu yang sangat berbahaya, tidak dapat diprediksi dan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan serius. Oleh karena itu, siapa saja yang berencana untuk jatuh cinta seharusnya sadar bahwa mereka telah membuka raga dan jiwanya untuk berbagai jenis luka, dan mereka tidak seharusnya menyalahkan pasangan mereka dalam keadaan apapun, karena resiko yang dimiliki adalah sama bagi kedua belah pihak.
Pasal 2 - Sekali terkena oleh panah salah sasaran yang ditembakkan dari busur Cupid, mereka seharusnya segera meminta sang pemanah, untuk memanah panah yang sama kearah yang berlawanan, sehingga tidak akan menderita oleh luka yang dikenal sebagai "cinta tak berbalas". Jika Cupid menolak melakukan aksi tesebut, konvensi memberlakukan tuntutan bahwa pasangan yang terluka mencabut anak panah dari hatinya dan membuangnya ke sampah. Untuk menjamin hal ini, mereka yang bersangkutan hendaknya menghindari menelepon, mengirim email, mengirim bunga yang selalu dikembalikan, atau melakukan rayuan dalam bentuk apapun, karena hal ini dapat mendatangkan hasil dalam jangka pendek tapi selalu berakhir salah setelah beberapa saat. Konvensi memutuskan bahwa pihak yang terluka tersebut sebaiknya segera menemukan orang lain dan mencoba mengontrol pikiran obsesif : "bahwa orang ini layak untuk diperjuangkan".
Pasal 3 - Jika luka disebabkan oleh pihak ketiga, dengan kata lain jika yang tercinta telah tertarik dengan seseorang yang tidak ada dalam script yang sebelumnya disusun, dendam secara tegas dilarang. Dalam kasus ini, diperbolehkan untuk menggunakan air mata sampai mata menjadi kering, memukul tembok atau bantal, untuk menghina mantan pasangan dalam percakapan dengan teman, membicarakan seleranya yang rendah, tetapi tanpa menyinggung kehormatan mereka. Konvensi menetapkan bahwa peraturan yang tercantum dalam pasal 2 diberlakukan : menemukan orang lain, terutama di tempat yang berbeda dengan yang sering dikunjungi mantan.
Pasal 4 - Dalam kasus luka ringan, ini digolongkan sebagai penghianatan kecil, ledakan kemarahan yang hanya sementara, lewat ketidaktertarikan seksual, obat yang disebut memaafkan sebaiknya diberikan dengan sepenuh hati dan dengan cepat. Ketika obat ini telah diberikan,orang tersebut sebaiknya tidak pernah mempertimbangkan kembali keputusannya, tidak sekalipun, dan tema tersebut harus sepenuhnya dilupakan dan takkan pernah digunakan sebagai alasan dalam pertengkaran atau pada saat merasakan kebencian.
Pasal 5 - Dalam semua luka yang berat, yang dikenal sebagai "putus", satu-satunya obat yang akan memberikan efek disebut Waktu. Tidaklah berguna berkonsultasi dengan peramal (yang selalu berkata bahwa cinta yang hilang akan kembali), buku-buku romantis (yang selalu berakhir bahagia), opera sabun di televisi atau hal semacam itu. Saat seseorang merasa menderita, jauhi obat-obatan terlarang, obat penenang, dan berdoalah kepada Tuhan dan orang-orang suci. Alkohol dapat ditoleransi sejumlah maksimum dua gelas anggur sehari.
Penentuan Akhir:
Bagi mereka yang terluka dalam percintaan, tidak seperti mereka yang terluka dalam konflik bersenjata, bukanlah korban atau penyiksa. Mereka memilih sesuatu yang merupakan bagian kehidupan, dan mereka harus menerima baik penderitaan maupun kegembiraan dari pilihan mereka. Dan mereka yang tidak pernah terluka dalam percintaan tidak akan dapat berkata : "aku hidup". Karena mereka tidak pernah.
paulo coelho
Convention For Those Wounded in Love
This is my current fave writing from Paulo Coelho, it's amazingly fit to my current condition! Focused on article #5 please... LOL.. Anyway, thanks to Paulo for being such a wonderful n inspiring author ^.^
General provisions:
A – Whereas the saying “all is fair in love and war” is absolutely correct;
B – Whereas for war we have the Geneva Convention, approved on 22 August 1864, which provides for those wounded in the battle field, but until now no convention has been signed concerning those wounded in love, who are far greater in number;
It is hereby decreed that:
Article 1 – All lovers, of any sex, are alerted that love, besides being a blessing, is also something extremely dangerous, unpredictable and capable of causing serious damage. Consequently, anyone planning to love should be aware that they are exposing their body and soul to various types of wounds, and that they shall not be able to blame their partner at any moment, since the risk is the same for both.
Article 2 – Once struck by a stray arrow fired from Cupid’s bow, they should immediately ask the archer to shoot the same arrow in the opposite direction, so as not to be afflicted by the wound known as “unrequited love”. Should Cupid refuse to perform such a gesture, the Convention now being promulgated demands that the wounded partner remove the arrow from his/her heart and throw it in the garbage. In order to guarantee this, those concerned should avoid telephone calls, messages over the Internet, sending flowers that are always returned, or each and every means of seduction, since these may yield results in the short run but always end up wrong after a while. The Convention decrees that the wounded person should immediately seek the company of other people and try to control the obsessive thought: “this person is worth fighting for”.
Article 3 – If the wound is caused by third parties, in other words if the loved one has become interested in someone not in the script previously drafted, vengeance is expressly forbidden. In this case, it is allowed to use tears until the eyes dry up, to punch walls or pillows, to insult the ex-partner in conversations with friends, to allege his/her complete lack of taste, but without offending their honor. The Convention determines that the rule contained in Article 2 be applied: seek the company of other persons, preferably in places different from those frequented by the other party.
Article 4 – In the case of light wounds, herein classified as small treacheries, fulminating passions that are short-lived, passing sexual disinterest, the medicine called Pardon should be applied generously and quickly. Once this medicine has been applied, one should never reconsider one’s decision, not even once, and the theme must be completely forgotten and never used as an argument in a fight or in a moment of hatred.
Article 5 – In all definitive wounds, also known as “breaking up”, the only medicine capable of having an effect is called Time. It is no use seeking consolation from fortune-tellers (who always say that the lost lover will return), romantic books (which always have a happy ending), soap-operas on the television or other such things. One should suffer intensely, completely avoiding drugs, tranquilizers and praying to saints. Alcohol is only tolerated if kept to a maximum of two glasses of wine a day.
Final determination:
Those wounded in love, unlike those wounded in armed conflict, are neither victims nor torturers. They chose something that is part of life, and so they have to accept both the agony and the ecstasy of their choice.
And those who have never been wounded in love will never be able to say: “I have lived”. Because they haven’t.
General provisions:
A – Whereas the saying “all is fair in love and war” is absolutely correct;
B – Whereas for war we have the Geneva Convention, approved on 22 August 1864, which provides for those wounded in the battle field, but until now no convention has been signed concerning those wounded in love, who are far greater in number;
It is hereby decreed that:
Article 1 – All lovers, of any sex, are alerted that love, besides being a blessing, is also something extremely dangerous, unpredictable and capable of causing serious damage. Consequently, anyone planning to love should be aware that they are exposing their body and soul to various types of wounds, and that they shall not be able to blame their partner at any moment, since the risk is the same for both.
Article 2 – Once struck by a stray arrow fired from Cupid’s bow, they should immediately ask the archer to shoot the same arrow in the opposite direction, so as not to be afflicted by the wound known as “unrequited love”. Should Cupid refuse to perform such a gesture, the Convention now being promulgated demands that the wounded partner remove the arrow from his/her heart and throw it in the garbage. In order to guarantee this, those concerned should avoid telephone calls, messages over the Internet, sending flowers that are always returned, or each and every means of seduction, since these may yield results in the short run but always end up wrong after a while. The Convention decrees that the wounded person should immediately seek the company of other people and try to control the obsessive thought: “this person is worth fighting for”.
Article 3 – If the wound is caused by third parties, in other words if the loved one has become interested in someone not in the script previously drafted, vengeance is expressly forbidden. In this case, it is allowed to use tears until the eyes dry up, to punch walls or pillows, to insult the ex-partner in conversations with friends, to allege his/her complete lack of taste, but without offending their honor. The Convention determines that the rule contained in Article 2 be applied: seek the company of other persons, preferably in places different from those frequented by the other party.
Article 4 – In the case of light wounds, herein classified as small treacheries, fulminating passions that are short-lived, passing sexual disinterest, the medicine called Pardon should be applied generously and quickly. Once this medicine has been applied, one should never reconsider one’s decision, not even once, and the theme must be completely forgotten and never used as an argument in a fight or in a moment of hatred.
Article 5 – In all definitive wounds, also known as “breaking up”, the only medicine capable of having an effect is called Time. It is no use seeking consolation from fortune-tellers (who always say that the lost lover will return), romantic books (which always have a happy ending), soap-operas on the television or other such things. One should suffer intensely, completely avoiding drugs, tranquilizers and praying to saints. Alcohol is only tolerated if kept to a maximum of two glasses of wine a day.
Final determination:
Those wounded in love, unlike those wounded in armed conflict, are neither victims nor torturers. They chose something that is part of life, and so they have to accept both the agony and the ecstasy of their choice.
And those who have never been wounded in love will never be able to say: “I have lived”. Because they haven’t.
paulo coelho
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Goodbye Acing
Hari ini Selasa 22 Maret 2011 jam 4.30
Acing, kucing kesayangan Bapak akhirnya menyusul almarhum Bapak ke alam baka. Mungkin lebih baik begini, daripada terus kesakitan karena luka teriris yang kami tak tahu karena apa. Kami pun tahu adanya luka itu sudah terlambat karena letaknya di paha dalam kakinya yang sudah setahun terakhir ini pincang karena terjatuh dari atap saat berkelahi.
Selamat jalan kucingku yang bandel, cerewet dan manja.. We will always love you!
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