Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Real Age - Shocking Result:(

Posted by engi at 5:12:00 PM
I knew about Real Age issue when I watch "Oprah Winfrey Show" some time ago.. no not some time, but long time:D It's new issue for me, where we can count our body real age by testing how's our life pattern. According Dr. Oz, our real age could be older or younger than our calendar age. It's depends on how's our health, habits, relationships, diets, and fitness.

There's some questions that we should answer related to our life pattern (5 points I mentioned above), not some actually... but a lot! Detail questions that revealed everything.. sometimes it's ashamed to answer when we realize that we already do unhealthy life. Ooopsie...

It took about half of hour for me to answer all the questions, because I do it while working in my office:D and somehow I realize that for some field I don't know my own body condition. Such as my own blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. Humf... And at last I got the result of My Real Age... Drum please...Drurururururururmmmm... And...

OH MY GOD!!! I'm 25 but according this test I'm 30.9... God.. awful:( It said I got this number because:
1. I never watch my blood pressure - it's correct:(
2. I'm worrying to much - I got stress this last 6 months:(
3. I got dental problem - true, need to go to dentist:(
4. I never got my cholesterol level tested - true!
5. I have smoker surround me - yes it is:(
6. I drive motorcycle - It said I better to drive car because riding motorcycle is more risky, well.. who would be a good hearted person buy me a car?:D
7. I don't have pet - It said can reduce my stress, I can try to have one...
8. Less vitamin consumption - Okay I'll consume everyday..
9. Need more calcium,folate, omega 3, potassium, grains in my daily diet - I can up it^_^
10. Last but not least.. I never exercise anymore... hikz..hikz.. I was exercise karate at least 3 times a week. but now.. I never do any exercise..

Oh my body... I'm so sorry.. I'm torturing you up:(

I will try to fix this! In this site already provide with suggested plan to fix our problems (when you have older real age problem of course:(..) And I will take another test in the next 90 days to see my progress. We'll see...

Okay, for you ladies and gents who'd like to know your real age and living healthier.. please.. please.. do not hesitate to take the test now! Follow link below yah!!

Take Your Real Age Test Here!

Thanks to Dr. Mehmet Oz! ^_^


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