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Sunday, August 30, 2009
Look at The Sandal!!!
Okay, look at picture above carefully...Have you done? Is it looks like a pair? Nah!!!
--- Wehehehe ----
I wore this sandal to food bazaar yesterday, LOL... Public place, people!!! Sounds stupid isn't it? But I did:D This could be happen when you're in hurry and you don't look carefully what you wear... Thank God nobody realize it, except me^_^
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The Valkyries by Paulo Coelho
This is a modern-day adventure story featuring Paulo's supernatural encounter with angels -- who appear as warrior women and travel through the Mojave desert on their motorbikes. Haunted by a devastating curse, Paulo is instructed by his mysterious spiritual master to embark upon a journey -- to find and speak to his guardian angel in an attempt to confront and overcome his dark past. The Valkyries is a compelling account of this forty day quest into the searing heat of the Mojave Desert, where Paulo and his wife, Chris, encounter the Valkyries -- warrior women who travel the desert on motorcycles, spreading the word of angels. This exotic spiritual odyssey is a rare combination of truth, myth, imagination and inspiration. Ultimately it is a story about being able to forgive our past and believe in our future.
Please click on link below for free download:
free download ebook,
paulo coelho
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Another Lump!!!
Jumat minggu lalu menjadi awal hari-hari ga nyamanku. Aku terbangun karena mimpi buruk. Dalam mimpiku ada sebuah tangan (tangan doang ga ada badannya, hiiii..) mencengkeram erat tangan kananku sampai aku kesakitan bukan kepalang. Aku berusaha melawan dan akhirnya aku bisa mencengkeram balik potongan tangan itu (serasa pilem horor!) tapi tiba-tiba ada tangan lain yang mencengkeram kakiku. Whuah.. makin horor aja!! Dalam mimpiku aku sadar aku bermimpi, dan ingin bangun. Aku membaca berbagai kalimat tasbih, istighfar, surat-surat pendek sampe akhirnya aku terbangun. Jantungku masih berdegub kencang. Aku mensyaratkan meludah kecil tiga kali kearah kiri (seingatku beginilah yang harus dilakukan jika mimpi diganggu jin, bukan maksud menyalahkan jin atas mimpi burukku tapi aku ngga bisa ngasih penjelasan lain kenapa tanganku ampe sakit banget.)Aku mencoba membaca ayat kursi, tapi ga bisa sampai tuntas. Entah saking gugupnnya ato entah knapa. Akhirnya aku lari ke kamar mandi ambil air wudhu mo sholat subuh. Setelah itu aku baca ayat kursi lagi sambil berjalan ke kamarku.
Abis sholat subuh aku meraba tanganku, rasanya nyilu banget.. sakit :~( Aku terbangun dalam keadaan terlentang, jika tanganku tertindih pastinya aku terbangun dalam keadaan miring ato menindih tangan kananku kan? Aneh banget, knapa tanganku sakit banget?! Tiba-tiba aku merinding, takutnya aku diganggu jin.. Aku coba mijit-mijit telapak tanganku, biar peredaran darahnya lancar lagi. Tiba-tiba aku merasakan bejolan di telapak tanganku pas di bawah sendi jari manis kananku. Oh My God... Not Again!!!
Kuraba lagi benjolan itu, saat kutekan terasa sakit. Aku trauma banget jika ada sedikit benjolan di tubuhku karena sebelumnya aku memiliki benjolan di payudaraku yang ternyata Tumor Jinak Payudara (Fibroadenom Mamae ~ FAM) dan Aterum di betisku (semacan benjolan yang tumbuh karena tubuhku yang tak bisa menyembuhkan bekas benturan). Kedua benjolan itu akhirnya hilang setelah aku memberanikan diri untuk operasi. Walaupun cuma operasi kecil tetap saja namanya operasi, mengeluarkan sebuah benda abnormal dari tubuhmu dengan cara membuat sayatan di tubuhmu. Rasanya, tidaklah mengenakkan, dan aku tidak berharap mengalaminya lagi:( Tapi dengan adanya benjolan ini aku menjadi was-was, aku harus mengalaminya lagi.
Aku langsung mengunjungi dokter di tempatku bekerja. Dia bilang mungkin aja cuma peradangan di sendi. Dia memberiku obat untuk mengurangi peradangan, yang harus dikonsumsi selama tiga hari. Tapi ternyata setelah 3 hari tak ada perubahan yang berarti. Deuh... semakin paranoidlah aku.. mulai mencari artikel tentang benjolan di tangan di internet. Sebuah benjolan di dekat sendi telapak tangan, sedikit keras... mungkin kista ganglion mungkin juga tumor tulang.. Whuaaaaaa.. jangan dong!!! Jangan lagi...
Dokter menyarankan untuk foto X-ray biar lebih jelasnya. Dan tadi aku mendapatkan hasilnya. Ga ada yang salah pada tulangku, semuanya normal. Tapi ada semacam penumpukan massa (dokterku juga ga tau apa itu)di atas tulang telapak tanganku. Kemungkinan tumor jinak, ga bahaya dia bilang. Tapi dia menyarankan untuk konsultasi dengan seorang dokter ahli bedah tulang biar tau sebenarnya. Whuahhhhh... Harap-harap cemas.. aku berharap ini cuma kista ganglion yang bisa menghilang dengan sendirinya (diagnosa yang maksa... hikz.. hikz..) Dokter kembali memberiku obat anti peradangan, moga aja berhasil... Tapi kayaknya aku mo terapi herbal aja deh...
Start to search... Never give up and never stop to pray...
Abis sholat subuh aku meraba tanganku, rasanya nyilu banget.. sakit :~( Aku terbangun dalam keadaan terlentang, jika tanganku tertindih pastinya aku terbangun dalam keadaan miring ato menindih tangan kananku kan? Aneh banget, knapa tanganku sakit banget?! Tiba-tiba aku merinding, takutnya aku diganggu jin.. Aku coba mijit-mijit telapak tanganku, biar peredaran darahnya lancar lagi. Tiba-tiba aku merasakan bejolan di telapak tanganku pas di bawah sendi jari manis kananku. Oh My God... Not Again!!!
Kuraba lagi benjolan itu, saat kutekan terasa sakit. Aku trauma banget jika ada sedikit benjolan di tubuhku karena sebelumnya aku memiliki benjolan di payudaraku yang ternyata Tumor Jinak Payudara (Fibroadenom Mamae ~ FAM) dan Aterum di betisku (semacan benjolan yang tumbuh karena tubuhku yang tak bisa menyembuhkan bekas benturan). Kedua benjolan itu akhirnya hilang setelah aku memberanikan diri untuk operasi. Walaupun cuma operasi kecil tetap saja namanya operasi, mengeluarkan sebuah benda abnormal dari tubuhmu dengan cara membuat sayatan di tubuhmu. Rasanya, tidaklah mengenakkan, dan aku tidak berharap mengalaminya lagi:( Tapi dengan adanya benjolan ini aku menjadi was-was, aku harus mengalaminya lagi.
Aku langsung mengunjungi dokter di tempatku bekerja. Dia bilang mungkin aja cuma peradangan di sendi. Dia memberiku obat untuk mengurangi peradangan, yang harus dikonsumsi selama tiga hari. Tapi ternyata setelah 3 hari tak ada perubahan yang berarti. Deuh... semakin paranoidlah aku.. mulai mencari artikel tentang benjolan di tangan di internet. Sebuah benjolan di dekat sendi telapak tangan, sedikit keras... mungkin kista ganglion mungkin juga tumor tulang.. Whuaaaaaa.. jangan dong!!! Jangan lagi...
Dokter menyarankan untuk foto X-ray biar lebih jelasnya. Dan tadi aku mendapatkan hasilnya. Ga ada yang salah pada tulangku, semuanya normal. Tapi ada semacam penumpukan massa (dokterku juga ga tau apa itu)di atas tulang telapak tanganku. Kemungkinan tumor jinak, ga bahaya dia bilang. Tapi dia menyarankan untuk konsultasi dengan seorang dokter ahli bedah tulang biar tau sebenarnya. Whuahhhhh... Harap-harap cemas.. aku berharap ini cuma kista ganglion yang bisa menghilang dengan sendirinya (diagnosa yang maksa... hikz.. hikz..) Dokter kembali memberiku obat anti peradangan, moga aja berhasil... Tapi kayaknya aku mo terapi herbal aja deh...
Start to search... Never give up and never stop to pray...
Friday, August 21, 2009
"Good Deeds Camp" called Ramadhan
1st Ramadhan 1430H = 22nd August 2009 = Tomorrow^_^
As a Moslem, I'm very happy every time Ramadhan coming. It's such a big chance to increase my spirituality and a gift for me since in this month there's huge blessing from My God for people who'd like to do sincere devout.
Ramadhan is the 9th month in hijriyah year (Islamic calendar). In this month moslems are fasting until Ied coming. We believe that in Ramadhan Allah will forgive all sins that we made in the past when we do good deeds along Ramadhan such as fasting, read and learn our holly book (Al Quran), do Tharawih pray (pray that Moslems do after they do Isya' pray), do tahajjud pray (pray that moslems do after night sleep, mostly after midnight until before dawn), spend your money for poor people, etc.
For me, Ramadhan is kind of camp where we are trained to do good deeds and we deserve for spiritually rewards that makes our life peacefull and happy in this world and the hereafter. I can feel excitement to do good deeds in Ramadhan, especially in the beginning of this month because our environment (esp. in Indonesia) is very supporting. But when we are already in the middle until end of Ramadhan I can feel that it's getting difficult to do those good deeds. So many temptation that I feel, mostly because laziness start to come over:D I'm human.. Need extra effort to fight against this laziness..
The most important thing is whether after we pass this "Good Deeds Camp" called Ramadhan, can we still keep this good habbits in our daily along the year? This is the biggest question! Because most of people [Including me:(Bad girl!:~(] are come back to their bad habbits after Ramadhan. If we can keep this good deeds, this is the greatest reward that Allah give to us because we already spiritually one step ahead as a Moslem^_^ Strong willing and great effort will be the main key. Hopefully this year I will pass Ramadhan well and become a better person that able to help people surround me^_^ Amien.. I also wish all moslems will be able to received the bless of Ramadhan and become better people.. Amien...
Have a great Ramadhan!
Wishes from a scrubby...
As a Moslem, I'm very happy every time Ramadhan coming. It's such a big chance to increase my spirituality and a gift for me since in this month there's huge blessing from My God for people who'd like to do sincere devout.
Ramadhan is the 9th month in hijriyah year (Islamic calendar). In this month moslems are fasting until Ied coming. We believe that in Ramadhan Allah will forgive all sins that we made in the past when we do good deeds along Ramadhan such as fasting, read and learn our holly book (Al Quran), do Tharawih pray (pray that Moslems do after they do Isya' pray), do tahajjud pray (pray that moslems do after night sleep, mostly after midnight until before dawn), spend your money for poor people, etc.
For me, Ramadhan is kind of camp where we are trained to do good deeds and we deserve for spiritually rewards that makes our life peacefull and happy in this world and the hereafter. I can feel excitement to do good deeds in Ramadhan, especially in the beginning of this month because our environment (esp. in Indonesia) is very supporting. But when we are already in the middle until end of Ramadhan I can feel that it's getting difficult to do those good deeds. So many temptation that I feel, mostly because laziness start to come over:D I'm human.. Need extra effort to fight against this laziness..
The most important thing is whether after we pass this "Good Deeds Camp" called Ramadhan, can we still keep this good habbits in our daily along the year? This is the biggest question! Because most of people [Including me:(Bad girl!:~(] are come back to their bad habbits after Ramadhan. If we can keep this good deeds, this is the greatest reward that Allah give to us because we already spiritually one step ahead as a Moslem^_^ Strong willing and great effort will be the main key. Hopefully this year I will pass Ramadhan well and become a better person that able to help people surround me^_^ Amien.. I also wish all moslems will be able to received the bless of Ramadhan and become better people.. Amien...
Have a great Ramadhan!
Wishes from a scrubby...
"See The Light" by Green Day
(21st Century Breakdown Album)
I crossed the river
Fell into the sea
Where the non-believers go beyond belief
Then I scratched the surface
In the mouth of hell
Running out of service in the blood I fell
Well I, I just want to see the light
And I, I don't want to lose my sight
Well I, I just want to see the light
And I need to know what's worth the fight
I've been wasted
Pills and alcohol
I've been chasing
Down the pool halls
I drank the water from a hurricane
I set a fire just to see the flame
I crossed the desert
Reaching higher ground
Then I found the pavement to take the liars down
But it's gone forever,but never too late
Where the ever after is in the hands of fate
I crossed the river
Fell into the sea
Where the non-believers go beyond belief
Then I scratched the surface
In the mouth of hell
Running out of service in the blood I fell
Well I, I just want to see the light
And I, I don't want to lose my sight
Well I, I just want to see the light
And I need to know what's worth the fight
I've been wasted
Pills and alcohol
I've been chasing
Down the pool halls
I drank the water from a hurricane
I set a fire just to see the flame
I crossed the desert
Reaching higher ground
Then I found the pavement to take the liars down
But it's gone forever,but never too late
Where the ever after is in the hands of fate
"American Eulogy" by Green Day
(21st Century Breakdown Album)
[XIII American Eulogy]
Sing us a song of the century
It sings like American Eulogy
The dawn of my love and conspiracy
Forgotten hope and the class of 13
Tell me a story into that goodnight
Sing us a song for me
[A. Mass Hysteria]
Hysteria, mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Red alert is the colour of panic
Elevated to the point of static
Beating into the hearts of the fanatics
And the neighborhood's a loaded gun
Idle thought lead to full-throttle screaming
And the welfare is asphyxiating
Mass confusion is all the new age and it's creating a feeding ground for the bottom feeders of hysteria
Hysteria, mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
True sounds of maniacal laughter
And the deafmute is misleading the choir
The punchline is a natural disaster
And it's sung by the unemployed
Fight fire with a riot
The class war is hanging on a wire because the martyr is a compulsive liar
When he said "it's just a bunch of niggers throwing gas into the ...."
Hysteria, mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
There's a disturbance on the oceanside
They tapped into the reserve
The static response is so unclear now
Mayday this is not a test!
As the neighborhood burns, America is falling
Vigilantes warning ya,
calling christian and gloria
[Bridge + Solo]
[B. Modern World]
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I'm the class of '13
In the era of dissent
A hostage of the soul
On a strike to pay the rent
The last of the rebels
Without a common ground
I'm gonna light a fire into the underground
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I am a nation without bureaucratic ties
Deny the allegation as it's written (fucking lies!)
I want to take a ride to the great divide
Beyond the "up to date" and the neo-gentrified
The high definition for the low resident
Where the value of your mind is not held in contempt
I can hear the sound of a beating heart
That bleeds beyond a system that's falling apart
With money to burn on a minimum wage
I don't give a shit about the modern age
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world! (Mass hysteria!)
[XIII American Eulogy]
Sing us a song of the century
It sings like American Eulogy
The dawn of my love and conspiracy
Forgotten hope and the class of 13
Tell me a story into that goodnight
Sing us a song for me
[A. Mass Hysteria]
Hysteria, mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Red alert is the colour of panic
Elevated to the point of static
Beating into the hearts of the fanatics
And the neighborhood's a loaded gun
Idle thought lead to full-throttle screaming
And the welfare is asphyxiating
Mass confusion is all the new age and it's creating a feeding ground for the bottom feeders of hysteria
Hysteria, mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
True sounds of maniacal laughter
And the deafmute is misleading the choir
The punchline is a natural disaster
And it's sung by the unemployed
Fight fire with a riot
The class war is hanging on a wire because the martyr is a compulsive liar
When he said "it's just a bunch of niggers throwing gas into the ...."
Hysteria, mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
There's a disturbance on the oceanside
They tapped into the reserve
The static response is so unclear now
Mayday this is not a test!
As the neighborhood burns, America is falling
Vigilantes warning ya,
calling christian and gloria
[Bridge + Solo]
[B. Modern World]
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I'm the class of '13
In the era of dissent
A hostage of the soul
On a strike to pay the rent
The last of the rebels
Without a common ground
I'm gonna light a fire into the underground
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I am a nation without bureaucratic ties
Deny the allegation as it's written (fucking lies!)
I want to take a ride to the great divide
Beyond the "up to date" and the neo-gentrified
The high definition for the low resident
Where the value of your mind is not held in contempt
I can hear the sound of a beating heart
That bleeds beyond a system that's falling apart
With money to burn on a minimum wage
I don't give a shit about the modern age
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world!
I don't wanna live in the modern world! (Mass hysteria!)
"21 Guns" by Green Day
(21st Century Breakdown Album)
Do you know what's worth fighting for?
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away and you feel yourself suffocating?
Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside,you're in ruins
One, 21 Guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 Guns
Throw up your arms into the sky
You and I ...
When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass and the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last, you're in ruins
One, 21 Guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 Guns
Throw up your arms into the sky
You and I ...
Did you try to live on your own?
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand to close to the fire?
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone
When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died,you're in ruins
One, 21 Guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 Guns
Throw up your arms into the sky
You and I ...
Do you know what's worth fighting for?
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away and you feel yourself suffocating?
Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside,you're in ruins
One, 21 Guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 Guns
Throw up your arms into the sky
You and I ...
When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass and the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last, you're in ruins
One, 21 Guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 Guns
Throw up your arms into the sky
You and I ...
Did you try to live on your own?
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand to close to the fire?
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone
When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died,you're in ruins
One, 21 Guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 Guns
Throw up your arms into the sky
You and I ...
"The Static Age" by Green Day
(21th Century Breakdown Album)
Can you hear the sound of the static noise,blasting out in stereo?
Cater to the class and the paranoid,music to my nervous system
Advertising love and religion,murder on the airwaves
Slogans on the brink of corruption
Visions of blasphemy,war and peace
Screaming at you
I can't see a thing in the video
I can't hear a sound on the radio
in stereo in the static age
Billboard on the rise in the dawn's landscape, working your insanity
Tragic ala madness and concrete Coca Cola execution
Conscions on a cross and your hearts in a vice,
Squeezing out your state of mind
Are what you own that you cannot buy
What a fucking tragedy,strategy
Screaming at you
I can't see a thing in the video
I can't hear a sound on the radio
in stereo in the static age
Hey, hey it's the static age
This is how the west was won
Hey, hey it's the static age millennium
All I want to know is a god damned thing
Not what's in the medicine
All I want to do is I want to breathe, batteries are not included
What's the latest way that a man can die?
Screaming hallelujah?
Singing out "the dawn's early light"
The silence of the rotten,forgotten
Screaming at you
I can't see a thing in the video
I can't hear a sound on the radio
in stereo in the static age
Can you hear the sound of the static noise,blasting out in stereo?
Cater to the class and the paranoid,music to my nervous system
Advertising love and religion,murder on the airwaves
Slogans on the brink of corruption
Visions of blasphemy,war and peace
Screaming at you
I can't see a thing in the video
I can't hear a sound on the radio
in stereo in the static age
Billboard on the rise in the dawn's landscape, working your insanity
Tragic ala madness and concrete Coca Cola execution
Conscions on a cross and your hearts in a vice,
Squeezing out your state of mind
Are what you own that you cannot buy
What a fucking tragedy,strategy
Screaming at you
I can't see a thing in the video
I can't hear a sound on the radio
in stereo in the static age
Hey, hey it's the static age
This is how the west was won
Hey, hey it's the static age millennium
All I want to know is a god damned thing
Not what's in the medicine
All I want to do is I want to breathe, batteries are not included
What's the latest way that a man can die?
Screaming hallelujah?
Singing out "the dawn's early light"
The silence of the rotten,forgotten
Screaming at you
I can't see a thing in the video
I can't hear a sound on the radio
in stereo in the static age
"Horseshoes And Handgrenades" by Green Day
(21st Century Breakdown Album)
I'm not fucking around
I think I'm coming out
All the deceivers and cheaters
I think we've got a bleeder right now
Want you to slap me around?
Want you to knock me out?
Well, you missed me kissed me
Now you better kick me down
Maybe you're the runner up
But the first one to lose the race
Almost only really counts in
Horseshoes and Handgrenades
I'm gonna burn it all down
I'm gonna rip it out
Well everything that you employ
Was meant for me to destroy to the ground now
So don't fuck me around because I'll shoot you down
I'm gonna drink,fight and fuck and pushing my luck all the time now
Maybe you're the runner up
But the first one to lose the race
Almost only really counts in
Horseshoes and Handgrenades
What to annihilate, the age-old contradiction
What to annihilate, the old age
I'm not fucking around
I think I'm coming out
I'm a hater, a traito
In a pair of Chuck Taylors right now
I'm not fucking around
I'm not fucking around
I think I'm coming out
All the deceivers and cheaters
I think we've got a bleeder right now
Want you to slap me around?
Want you to knock me out?
Well, you missed me kissed me
Now you better kick me down
Maybe you're the runner up
But the first one to lose the race
Almost only really counts in
Horseshoes and Handgrenades
I'm gonna burn it all down
I'm gonna rip it out
Well everything that you employ
Was meant for me to destroy to the ground now
So don't fuck me around because I'll shoot you down
I'm gonna drink,fight and fuck and pushing my luck all the time now
Maybe you're the runner up
But the first one to lose the race
Almost only really counts in
Horseshoes and Handgrenades
What to annihilate, the age-old contradiction
What to annihilate, the old age
I'm not fucking around
I think I'm coming out
I'm a hater, a traito
In a pair of Chuck Taylors right now
I'm not fucking around
"¿Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl)" by Green Day
(21st Century Breakdown Album)
Little girl, little girl why are you crying?
Inside your restless soul your heart is dying?
Little one, little one your soul purging
Of love and razor blades your blood is surging
From the river to the street and find yourself with your face in the gutter
You're a stray for the salvation army
There is no place like home when you got no place to go
Little girl, little girl your life is calling
The charlatans and saints of your abandoned
Little one, little one the sky is falling
Your lifeboat of deception is now sailing
In the wake all the way no rhyme or reason
Your bloodshot eyes will show your heart of treason
Little girl, little girl you dirty liar
You're just a junkie preaching to the choir
From the river to the street and find yourself with your face in the gutter
You're a stray for the salvation army
There is no place like home when you got no place to go
The traces of blood always follow you home like the mascara tears from your getaway
You're walking with blisters and running with shears, So unholy
Sister of grace!
From the river to the street and find yourself with your face in the gutter
You're a stray for the salvation army
There is no place like home
Little girl, little girl why are you crying?
Inside your restless soul your heart is dying?
Little one, little one your soul purging
Of love and razor blades your blood is surging
From the river to the street and find yourself with your face in the gutter
You're a stray for the salvation army
There is no place like home when you got no place to go
Little girl, little girl your life is calling
The charlatans and saints of your abandoned
Little one, little one the sky is falling
Your lifeboat of deception is now sailing
In the wake all the way no rhyme or reason
Your bloodshot eyes will show your heart of treason
Little girl, little girl you dirty liar
You're just a junkie preaching to the choir
From the river to the street and find yourself with your face in the gutter
You're a stray for the salvation army
There is no place like home when you got no place to go
The traces of blood always follow you home like the mascara tears from your getaway
You're walking with blisters and running with shears, So unholy
Sister of grace!
From the river to the street and find yourself with your face in the gutter
You're a stray for the salvation army
There is no place like home
"Murder City" by Green Day
(21st Century Breakdown Album)
Desperate but not hopeless
I feel so useless in the murder city
Desperate but not helpless
The clock strikes midnight in the murder city
I'm wide awake after the riot
This demonstration of our anguish
This empty laughter has no reason
Like a bottle of your favourite poison
We are the last call and we're so pathetic
Desperate but not hopeless
I feel so useless in the murder city
Desperate but not helpless
The clock strikes midnight in the murder city
Christian's crying in the bathroom
And I just want to bum a cigarette
We've come so far,we've been so wasted
It's written all over our faces
We are the last call and we're so pathetic
Desperate but not hopeless
I feel so useless in the murder city
Desperate but not helpless
The clock strikes midnight in the murder city
I feel so
The clock strikes midnight in the murder city
Desperate but not hopeless
I feel so useless in the murder city
Desperate but not helpless
The clock strikes midnight in the murder city
I'm wide awake after the riot
This demonstration of our anguish
This empty laughter has no reason
Like a bottle of your favourite poison
We are the last call and we're so pathetic
Desperate but not hopeless
I feel so useless in the murder city
Desperate but not helpless
The clock strikes midnight in the murder city
Christian's crying in the bathroom
And I just want to bum a cigarette
We've come so far,we've been so wasted
It's written all over our faces
We are the last call and we're so pathetic
Desperate but not hopeless
I feel so useless in the murder city
Desperate but not helpless
The clock strikes midnight in the murder city
I feel so
The clock strikes midnight in the murder city
"Last Of The American Girls" by Green Day
(21st Century Breakdown Album)
She puts her makeup on
Like graffiti on the walls of the heartland
She's got her little book of conspiracies right in her hand
She is a paranoid like endangered species headed into extinction
She is one of a kind
She's the last of the American Girls
She wear her overcoat for the coming of the nuclear winter
She is riding her bike like a fugitive of critical mass
She's on a hunger strike for the ones who won't make it for dinner
She makes enough to survive for a holiday of working class
She's a runaway of the establishment incorporated
She won't cooperate
She's the last of the American Girls
She plays her vinyl records singing songs on the eve of destruction
She's a sucker for all the criminals breaking the laws
She will come in first for the end of western civilization
She's and endless war, she's a hero for the lost cause
Like a hurricane in the heart of devastation
She's a natural disaster
She's the last of the American Girls
She puts her makeup on
Like graffiti on the walls of the heartland
She's got her little book of conspiracies right in her hand
She will come in first for the end of western civilization
She's a natural disaster
She's the last of the American Girls
She puts her makeup on
Like graffiti on the walls of the heartland
She's got her little book of conspiracies right in her hand
She is a paranoid like endangered species headed into extinction
She is one of a kind
She's the last of the American Girls
She wear her overcoat for the coming of the nuclear winter
She is riding her bike like a fugitive of critical mass
She's on a hunger strike for the ones who won't make it for dinner
She makes enough to survive for a holiday of working class
She's a runaway of the establishment incorporated
She won't cooperate
She's the last of the American Girls
She plays her vinyl records singing songs on the eve of destruction
She's a sucker for all the criminals breaking the laws
She will come in first for the end of western civilization
She's and endless war, she's a hero for the lost cause
Like a hurricane in the heart of devastation
She's a natural disaster
She's the last of the American Girls
She puts her makeup on
Like graffiti on the walls of the heartland
She's got her little book of conspiracies right in her hand
She will come in first for the end of western civilization
She's a natural disaster
She's the last of the American Girls
"Peacemaker" by Green Day
(21st Century Breakdown Album)
Well I've got a fever
A non-believer
I'm in a state of grace
For I am the caesar
I'm gonna seize the day
Well call of the banshee (Hey, hey)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
As God as my witness the infidels are gonna pay
Well call the assassin
The orgasm
A spasm of love and hate
For what will divide us?
The righteous and the meek
Well call of the wild (Hey, hey)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Death to the gira
At the end of the serenade
Vendetta sweet vendetta
This beretta of the night
This fire and the desire
Shots ringing out on a holy parasite
I am a killjoy from Detroit
I drink from a well of rage
I feed of the weakness
With all my love
Call up the captian (Hey, hey)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Death of the lover that you were dreaming of
This is a stand off a molotov
cocktail on the house
You thought I was write off you better think again
Call the peacemaker (Hey, hey)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
I'm gonna sent you back to the place where it all began
Vendetta sweet vendetta
This beretta of the night
This fire and the desire
Shots ringing out on a holy parasite
Well now the caretakers
The undertaker
Now I'm gonna go out
And get the peacemaker
This is the neo
St. Valentine's massacre
Well call up the Gaza (Hey, hey)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Death to the ones at the end of the serenade
Well, death to the ones at the end of the ...
Well I've got a fever
A non-believer
I'm in a state of grace
For I am the caesar
I'm gonna seize the day
Well call of the banshee (Hey, hey)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
As God as my witness the infidels are gonna pay
Well call the assassin
The orgasm
A spasm of love and hate
For what will divide us?
The righteous and the meek
Well call of the wild (Hey, hey)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Death to the gira
At the end of the serenade
Vendetta sweet vendetta
This beretta of the night
This fire and the desire
Shots ringing out on a holy parasite
I am a killjoy from Detroit
I drink from a well of rage
I feed of the weakness
With all my love
Call up the captian (Hey, hey)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Death of the lover that you were dreaming of
This is a stand off a molotov
cocktail on the house
You thought I was write off you better think again
Call the peacemaker (Hey, hey)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
I'm gonna sent you back to the place where it all began
Vendetta sweet vendetta
This beretta of the night
This fire and the desire
Shots ringing out on a holy parasite
Well now the caretakers
The undertaker
Now I'm gonna go out
And get the peacemaker
This is the neo
St. Valentine's massacre
Well call up the Gaza (Hey, hey)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Death to the ones at the end of the serenade
Well, death to the ones at the end of the ...
"East Jesus Nowhere" by Green Day
(21st Century Breakdown Album)
Raise your hands now to testify
Your confession will be crucified
You're a sacrificial suicide
Like a dog that's been sodomized
Stand Up! All the white boys
Sit Down! And the black girls
You're the soldiers of the new world
Put your faith in a miracle
And it's non-denominational
Join the choir we will be singing
In the church of wishfull thinking
A fire burns today
Of blasphemy and genocide
The sirens of decay
Will infiltrate the faith fanatics
Oh bless me Lord for I have sinned
It's been a lifetime since I last confessed
I threw my crutches in the river
Of a shadow of doubt
And I'll be dressed in my Sunday best
Say a prayer for the family
Drop a coin for humanity
Ain't this uniform so flattering?
I never asked you a god damn thing
A fire burns today
Of blasphemy and genocide
The sirens of decay
Will infiltrate the faith fanatics
Don't test me
Second guess me
Protest me
You will disappear
I want to know who's allowed to breed
All the dogs who never learned to read
Missionary politicians
And the cops of a new religion
A fire burns today
Of blasphemy and genocide
The sirens of decay
Will infiltrate the inside
Raise your hands now to testify
Your confession will be crucified
You're a sacrificial suicide
Like a dog that's been sodomized
Stand Up! All the white boys
Sit Down! And the black girls
You're the soldiers of the new world
Put your faith in a miracle
And it's non-denominational
Join the choir we will be singing
In the church of wishfull thinking
A fire burns today
Of blasphemy and genocide
The sirens of decay
Will infiltrate the faith fanatics
Oh bless me Lord for I have sinned
It's been a lifetime since I last confessed
I threw my crutches in the river
Of a shadow of doubt
And I'll be dressed in my Sunday best
Say a prayer for the family
Drop a coin for humanity
Ain't this uniform so flattering?
I never asked you a god damn thing
A fire burns today
Of blasphemy and genocide
The sirens of decay
Will infiltrate the faith fanatics
Don't test me
Second guess me
Protest me
You will disappear
I want to know who's allowed to breed
All the dogs who never learned to read
Missionary politicians
And the cops of a new religion
A fire burns today
Of blasphemy and genocide
The sirens of decay
Will infiltrate the inside
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
"Last Night On Earth" by Green Day
(21st Century Breakdown Album)
I text a postcard sent to you
Did it go through?
Sending all my love to you
You are the moonlight of my life every night
Giving all my love to you
My beating heart belongs to you
I walked for miles til I found you
I'm here to honor you
If I lose everything in the fire
I'm sending all my love to you
With every breath that I'm worth here on Earth
I'm sending all my love to you
So if you dare to second guess you can rest assured
That all my love's all for you
My beating heart belongs to you
I walked for miles til I found you
I'm here to honor you
If I lose everything in the fire
I'm sending all my love to you
My beating heart belongs to you
I walked for miles til I found you
I'm here to honor you
If I lose everything in the fire
Did I ever make it through?
I text a postcard sent to you
Did it go through?
Sending all my love to you
You are the moonlight of my life every night
Giving all my love to you
My beating heart belongs to you
I walked for miles til I found you
I'm here to honor you
If I lose everything in the fire
I'm sending all my love to you
With every breath that I'm worth here on Earth
I'm sending all my love to you
So if you dare to second guess you can rest assured
That all my love's all for you
My beating heart belongs to you
I walked for miles til I found you
I'm here to honor you
If I lose everything in the fire
I'm sending all my love to you
My beating heart belongs to you
I walked for miles til I found you
I'm here to honor you
If I lose everything in the fire
Did I ever make it through?
"Christian's Inferno" by Green Day
(21st Century Breakdown Album)
I got under the grip
Between this modern hell
I got the rejection letter in the mail
And it was already ripped to shreds
Seasons in a ruin and this bitter pill is chased with blood
There's fire in my veins and it's pouring out like a flood
(Wooaahhooohh!) Christian's Inferno!
(Wooaahhooohh!) Christian's Inferno!
This diabolic state is gracing my existence
Like a catastrophic baby
Maybe,maybe you're the chemical reaction
I'm the atom bomb
I'm the chosen one
Toxin your reservoir
And then return man to ape
(Wooaahhooohh!) Christian's Inferno!
(Wooaahhooohh!) Christian's Inferno!
(Wooaahhooohh!) Christian's Inferno!
(Wooaahhooohh!) Christian's Inferno!
I got under the grip
Between this modern hell
I got the rejection letter in the mail
And it was already ripped to shreds
Seasons in a ruin and this bitter pill is chased with blood
There's fire in my veins and it's pouring out like a flood
(Wooaahhooohh!) Christian's Inferno!
(Wooaahhooohh!) Christian's Inferno!
This diabolic state is gracing my existence
Like a catastrophic baby
Maybe,maybe you're the chemical reaction
I'm the atom bomb
I'm the chosen one
Toxin your reservoir
And then return man to ape
(Wooaahhooohh!) Christian's Inferno!
(Wooaahhooohh!) Christian's Inferno!
(Wooaahhooohh!) Christian's Inferno!
(Wooaahhooohh!) Christian's Inferno!
"Before The Lobotomy" by Green Day
(12st Century Breakdown Album)
Dreaming, I was only dreaming
Of another place and time
Where my family's from
Singing, I can hear them singing
When the rain had washed away
All these scattered dreams
Dying, everyone's reminded
Hearts are washed in misery
Drenched in gasoline
Laughter, there's no more laughter
Songs of yesterday now live in the underground
Life before the lobotomy
Christian sang the eulogy
Sign of my love a lost memory
From the end of the Century
Well it's enough to make you sick
To cast a stone and throw a brick
When the sky is falling down
It burned your dreams into the ground
Christian's lesson
Is what he's been sold
We are normal and self-controlled
Remember to learn to forget
Whiskey shots and cheap cigarettes
Well I'm not stoned, I'm just fucked up
I got so high, I can't stand up
I'm not cursed cause I've been blessed
I'm not in love cause I'm a mess
Like refugees
We're lost like refugees
Like refugees
We're lost like refugees
The brutality of reality
Is the freedom that keeps me from
Dreaming, I was only dreaming
Of another place and time
Where my family's from
Singing, I can hear them singing
When the rain had washed away all these scattered dreams
Dying, everyone's reminded
Hearts are washed in misery
Drenched in gasoline
Laughter, there's no more laughter
Songs of yesterday
Now live in the underground
Dreaming, I was only dreaming
Of another place and time
Where my family's from
Singing, I can hear them singing
When the rain had washed away
All these scattered dreams
Dying, everyone's reminded
Hearts are washed in misery
Drenched in gasoline
Laughter, there's no more laughter
Songs of yesterday now live in the underground
Life before the lobotomy
Christian sang the eulogy
Sign of my love a lost memory
From the end of the Century
Well it's enough to make you sick
To cast a stone and throw a brick
When the sky is falling down
It burned your dreams into the ground
Christian's lesson
Is what he's been sold
We are normal and self-controlled
Remember to learn to forget
Whiskey shots and cheap cigarettes
Well I'm not stoned, I'm just fucked up
I got so high, I can't stand up
I'm not cursed cause I've been blessed
I'm not in love cause I'm a mess
Like refugees
We're lost like refugees
Like refugees
We're lost like refugees
The brutality of reality
Is the freedom that keeps me from
Dreaming, I was only dreaming
Of another place and time
Where my family's from
Singing, I can hear them singing
When the rain had washed away all these scattered dreams
Dying, everyone's reminded
Hearts are washed in misery
Drenched in gasoline
Laughter, there's no more laughter
Songs of yesterday
Now live in the underground
"¡Viva La Gloria!"
(21st Century Breakdown Album)
Hey Gloria?
Are you standing close to the edge?
Lookout to the setting sun
The brink of your vision
Eternal youth is a landscape of the lie
The cracks of my skin can prove
As the years will testify
Say your prayers and light a fire we're going to start a war
Your slogan's a gun for hire
It's what we waited for
Hey Gloria
This is why we were on the edge
The fight of our lives been drawn to this undying love
Gloria!Viva La Gloria!
You blast your name in graffiti on the walls (oh)
Falling through broken glass that's slashing through your spirit
I can hear it like a jilted crowd
Gloria!Where are you Gloria?
You found a home in all your scars and ammunition
You made your bed in salad days amongst the ruins
Ashes to ashes of our youth
She smashed her knuckles into winter (Gloria)
As autumns wind fades into black
She is the saint of all the sinners (Gloria)
The one that's fallen through the cracks
So don't put away your burning light
Gloria!Where are you Gloria?
Don't lose you faith to your lost naivete
Weather the storm and don't look back on last November
When your banners were burning down
Gloria!Viva La Gloria!
Send me your amnesty down to the broken hearted
Bring us the season that we always will remember
Don't let the bonfires go out
So Gloria
Send out your message of the light that shadows in the night
Gloria where's your undying love?
Tell me the story of your life ...
(Your life!)
Hey Gloria?
Are you standing close to the edge?
Lookout to the setting sun
The brink of your vision
Eternal youth is a landscape of the lie
The cracks of my skin can prove
As the years will testify
Say your prayers and light a fire we're going to start a war
Your slogan's a gun for hire
It's what we waited for
Hey Gloria
This is why we were on the edge
The fight of our lives been drawn to this undying love
Gloria!Viva La Gloria!
You blast your name in graffiti on the walls (oh)
Falling through broken glass that's slashing through your spirit
I can hear it like a jilted crowd
Gloria!Where are you Gloria?
You found a home in all your scars and ammunition
You made your bed in salad days amongst the ruins
Ashes to ashes of our youth
She smashed her knuckles into winter (Gloria)
As autumns wind fades into black
She is the saint of all the sinners (Gloria)
The one that's fallen through the cracks
So don't put away your burning light
Gloria!Where are you Gloria?
Don't lose you faith to your lost naivete
Weather the storm and don't look back on last November
When your banners were burning down
Gloria!Viva La Gloria!
Send me your amnesty down to the broken hearted
Bring us the season that we always will remember
Don't let the bonfires go out
So Gloria
Send out your message of the light that shadows in the night
Gloria where's your undying love?
Tell me the story of your life ...
(Your life!)
"Know Your Enemy" by Green Day
(21st Century Breakdown Album)
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
Well gotta' know the enemy, ohaooh!
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
Well gotta' know the enemy, ohaooh!
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
Well gotta' know the enemy, ohaooh!
Violence is an energy
Against the enemy
Well violence is an energy, right.
Bringing on the fury
The choir infantry
Revolt against the honor to obey (Ohaooh)
Overthrow the effigy
The vast majority
We're burning down the foreman of control (Ohaooh)
Silence is the enemy
Against your urgency
so rally up the demons of your soul (Ohaooh)
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
well gotta know the enemy, ohaooh.
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
well gotta know the enemy, ohaooh.
Insurgency will rise,
When the blood's been sacrificed
Don't be blinded by the lies in your eyes.
Well, Violence is an energy, Ohaooh
From here to Eternity
Well, Violence is an energy, Ohaooh
Silence is the enemy
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
Well gotta' know the enemy, ohaooh!
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
Well gotta' know the enemy, ohaooh!
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
Well gotta' know the enemy, ohaooh!
Overthrow the effigy
The vast majority
We're burning down the foreman of control
Silence is the enemy
Against your urgency
so rally up the demons of your soul (Ohaooh)
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
Well gotta' know the enemy, ohaooh!
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
Well gotta' know the enemy, ohaooh!
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
Well gotta' know the enemy, ohaooh!
Violence is an energy
Against the enemy
Well violence is an energy, right.
Bringing on the fury
The choir infantry
Revolt against the honor to obey (Ohaooh)
Overthrow the effigy
The vast majority
We're burning down the foreman of control (Ohaooh)
Silence is the enemy
Against your urgency
so rally up the demons of your soul (Ohaooh)
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
well gotta know the enemy, ohaooh.
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
well gotta know the enemy, ohaooh.
Insurgency will rise,
When the blood's been sacrificed
Don't be blinded by the lies in your eyes.
Well, Violence is an energy, Ohaooh
From here to Eternity
Well, Violence is an energy, Ohaooh
Silence is the enemy
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
Well gotta' know the enemy, ohaooh!
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
Well gotta' know the enemy, ohaooh!
Do you know the enemy
Do you know your enemy
Well gotta' know the enemy, ohaooh!
Overthrow the effigy
The vast majority
We're burning down the foreman of control
Silence is the enemy
Against your urgency
so rally up the demons of your soul (Ohaooh)
"21st Century Breakdown" by Green Day
(21st Century Breakdown Album)
Born into Nixon I was raised in hell
A welfare child
Where the teamsters dwelled
The last one born
The first one to run
My town was blind from refinery sun
My generation is zero
I never made it
As a working class hero
21st Century Breakdown
I once was lost but never was found
I think I am losing
What's left of my mind
To the 20th century deadline
I was made of poison and blood
Condemnation is what I understood
Videogames of the towers fall
Homeland security
Could kill us all
We are the class of '13
Born in the era of humility
We are the desperate in the decline
Raised by the bastards of 1969
My name is no one
The long lost son
Born on the 4th of July
Raised in the era of heroes and cons
That left me for dead or alive
I am a nation
A worker of pride
My debt to the status quo
The scars on my hands
And the means to an ends
Is all the that I have to show
I swallowed my pride
And I choked on my faith
I've given my heart and my soul
I've broken my fingers
And lied through my teeth
The pillar of damage control
I've been to the edge
And I've thrown the bouquet
Of flowers left over the grave
I sat in the waiting room
Wasting my time
And waiting for judgement day
I praise liberty
The "freedom to obey"
Is the song that strangles me
Don't cross the line
Dream, America dream
I can't even sleep
From the light's early dawn
Scream, America scream
Believe what you see
From heroes and cons
Born into Nixon I was raised in hell
A welfare child
Where the teamsters dwelled
The last one born
The first one to run
My town was blind from refinery sun
My generation is zero
I never made it
As a working class hero
21st Century Breakdown
I once was lost but never was found
I think I am losing
What's left of my mind
To the 20th century deadline
I was made of poison and blood
Condemnation is what I understood
Videogames of the towers fall
Homeland security
Could kill us all
We are the class of '13
Born in the era of humility
We are the desperate in the decline
Raised by the bastards of 1969
My name is no one
The long lost son
Born on the 4th of July
Raised in the era of heroes and cons
That left me for dead or alive
I am a nation
A worker of pride
My debt to the status quo
The scars on my hands
And the means to an ends
Is all the that I have to show
I swallowed my pride
And I choked on my faith
I've given my heart and my soul
I've broken my fingers
And lied through my teeth
The pillar of damage control
I've been to the edge
And I've thrown the bouquet
Of flowers left over the grave
I sat in the waiting room
Wasting my time
And waiting for judgement day
I praise liberty
The "freedom to obey"
Is the song that strangles me
Don't cross the line
Dream, America dream
I can't even sleep
From the light's early dawn
Scream, America scream
Believe what you see
From heroes and cons
"Song Of The Century" by Green Day
(21st Century Breakdown Album)
Sing us a song of the century
That's louder than bombs and eternity
The era of static and contraband
That's leading us into the promised land
Tell us a story that's by candlelight
Waging a war and losing the fight
They're playing the song of the century
of panic and promise and prosperity
Tell me a story into that goodnight
Sing us a song for me ...
Sing us a song of the century
That's louder than bombs and eternity
The era of static and contraband
That's leading us into the promised land
Tell us a story that's by candlelight
Waging a war and losing the fight
They're playing the song of the century
of panic and promise and prosperity
Tell me a story into that goodnight
Sing us a song for me ...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Wild Wild Trolley
Yesterday I went to Carefour to shop with my boss and two of my coworker. We must shop for Lebaran parcell needs. We must bring about more than ten trolleys tto buy all those goods. From food and beverages until electronics:D
After finished counting all the bills we start to take the trolleys to parking lot to put it in our car. I took one trolley and push it in front of me. The funny thing happened when we must walk in the elevator that going down to the lower floor. My trolley is quite heavy since I was brought boxes of syrups inside the trolley. At the first seconds everything is just fine. Until suddenly the trolley was start moving forward and I can't stop it because it's very heavy. There's a woman in front of me, before my trolley hit her I shouted "Sorry, I can't stop the trolley!" Then she jumped forward to avoid it. But the next second my trolley is moving forward again, "Sorry I can't stop it again!" She moved forward again, but my trolley was chased her and push me to follow it move forward, and it's getting faster and faster. I shouted to her again "Sorry... move..move.. really can't stop it!!!" She realized that my trolley will hit her, and with panic face she jumped to the right side of the elevator and watching me running to chase my escaped trolley. Oh my God.... It's really ashamed!! The trolley was running away from me and just like crazy woman I was chasing for it, LOL. I can hold the trolley when it almost arrived in the lower floor, God... it's a big fight to controll this wild wild trolley!
I move forward without any courage to look back, but after few steps I looked back. My boss and my friend still laughing after watch what happened to me:D
But this trolley tragedy not only happened to me but also to my friend that just laughing at me,LOL. When she almost arrived in the lower floor, her trolley is stuck in the elevator. This stupid trolley didn't want to move forward so it push my friend to run in the same place such what you do with treadmill exercise, LOL another funny experience! She still keep to push the trolley to make it move, but didn't work! Two guys helped her to pull the stupid naughty trolley out from the elevator so my friend can stop running:D Ashamed... LOL
Awgh... what a wild wild trolley!! LOL
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Gold as Investment
When I was in college my mom told me, "Don't waste your money buying electronics and clothes, it's wasting money! Try to buy gold jewelry for investment and you will looks pretty!" and I always laugh after she says that. Mom oh Mom... you know I dun like jewelries! I often lost my jewelries when I use it:p Well.. I prefer to buy notebook or cute clothes^_^
Time goes by... now I already have my own job and saving. Sometimes I remember what my mom told me in the past. And now if I think back, she's right. Buying gold is a good investment. When I bought electronics goodies, year by year the value will be decreasing because as we know that there's always be new invention and upgrades per year. That means our goodies already out of date:( The same case for clothes, almost every week fashion change. There's always be new model. It's good to be fashionable. But doesn't mean it's good to be shopaholic. As my mom said, invest your money for your future because you will never know what will be happen next.
Because I don't like gold jewelries I start to think other alternatives to keep gold as investment. One of my friend inform me about gold coins and gold bullion. I was quite exciting when she told me about it. I start to imagine that I just like a pirates, keep my gold coins and gold bullions in a treasure trunk, lol. Okay that's it... already out of topic:D Back to our topic, I start to think to keep gold coins. According to my friend there are a lot of different design choice to choose from around the world. Wow... incredible.. She show me some of her's: Chinese Gold Panda, Gold Canadian Maple Leaf, Gold American Eagle. Amazing... it's so.. beatiful^_^ I want to have mine...I will buy gold bullion soon!
I ask her where did she get those beautiful golds? She said bought it at GoldCoinsGain. It's an online gold advisor resource where we can buy bullion and give us free gold guide. In this site we can choose so many beautiful design from around the world (until I very confuse to choose because they are so beatiful), spot market prices, and also gold news update. All about gold in one site! Just like a gold heaven! Haha.. I like it!! The next step is to keep your gold in safety box and let them sleep well until their price rise up and then sell them and become the winner!
Let's start to investing!^_^
Time goes by... now I already have my own job and saving. Sometimes I remember what my mom told me in the past. And now if I think back, she's right. Buying gold is a good investment. When I bought electronics goodies, year by year the value will be decreasing because as we know that there's always be new invention and upgrades per year. That means our goodies already out of date:( The same case for clothes, almost every week fashion change. There's always be new model. It's good to be fashionable. But doesn't mean it's good to be shopaholic. As my mom said, invest your money for your future because you will never know what will be happen next.
Because I don't like gold jewelries I start to think other alternatives to keep gold as investment. One of my friend inform me about gold coins and gold bullion. I was quite exciting when she told me about it. I start to imagine that I just like a pirates, keep my gold coins and gold bullions in a treasure trunk, lol. Okay that's it... already out of topic:D Back to our topic, I start to think to keep gold coins. According to my friend there are a lot of different design choice to choose from around the world. Wow... incredible.. She show me some of her's: Chinese Gold Panda, Gold Canadian Maple Leaf, Gold American Eagle. Amazing... it's so.. beatiful^_^ I want to have mine...I will buy gold bullion soon!
I ask her where did she get those beautiful golds? She said bought it at GoldCoinsGain. It's an online gold advisor resource where we can buy bullion and give us free gold guide. In this site we can choose so many beautiful design from around the world (until I very confuse to choose because they are so beatiful), spot market prices, and also gold news update. All about gold in one site! Just like a gold heaven! Haha.. I like it!! The next step is to keep your gold in safety box and let them sleep well until their price rise up and then sell them and become the winner!
Let's start to investing!^_^
I woke up with smile in my face. I grabbed a glass of water then drank it. A perfect beginning for today.
Then I saw my cellphone. Remember what my bf told me last night, he want to resign from company where he work in because cannot stand anymore with people there. His subordinates. Suddenly I feel bad mood crawling inside my chest. He will become unemployment soon if he do what he plan. Awgh...
I dunno from where, but suddenly I feel sooooo... melancholic. I remember how I feel uncomfortable with my job lately, then I want to cried. I feels like I dumped by faith in this small weird city without any chance to move to better place. I feel so.. terrible.. What a sensitivity!
Tried to control my emotion by breathing exercise. Thank God it works, I feel better:)
I went to office this morning, again.. with smile on my face. I turn on my PC and start to work when suddenly my co worker slam on the phone until everyone in our room feel shocked. Emotion, I yelled at her "You dun have to slam on the phone like that, u're not the one who have ears around here!" I felt like something burning my head and need to blew it up! Oh My God... I must out from here! I ran to bathroom... Trying to release this stupid emotion in a place where nobody can see me. Few time healing exercise... quite help.. thank god...
Gotta back to work again...
Then I saw my cellphone. Remember what my bf told me last night, he want to resign from company where he work in because cannot stand anymore with people there. His subordinates. Suddenly I feel bad mood crawling inside my chest. He will become unemployment soon if he do what he plan. Awgh...
I dunno from where, but suddenly I feel sooooo... melancholic. I remember how I feel uncomfortable with my job lately, then I want to cried. I feels like I dumped by faith in this small weird city without any chance to move to better place. I feel so.. terrible.. What a sensitivity!
Tried to control my emotion by breathing exercise. Thank God it works, I feel better:)
I went to office this morning, again.. with smile on my face. I turn on my PC and start to work when suddenly my co worker slam on the phone until everyone in our room feel shocked. Emotion, I yelled at her "You dun have to slam on the phone like that, u're not the one who have ears around here!" I felt like something burning my head and need to blew it up! Oh My God... I must out from here! I ran to bathroom... Trying to release this stupid emotion in a place where nobody can see me. Few time healing exercise... quite help.. thank god...
Gotta back to work again...
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Serangan Panik (Panic Attacks)
Tiba-tiba saja tubuh gemetar, suhu badan turun sampe ngerasa kedinginan, jantung berdetak kencang, susah sekali rasanya bernafas, kepala menjadi pusing, sepertinya mulai hilang kesadaran, sepertinya kematian sudah ada di depan mata, ketakutan tiada tara! Semuanya muncul tiba-tiba, tanpa sebab, dan tidak terkontrol. Pernahkah kamu mengalami gejala-gejala seperti itu?Tahukah kamu sebenarnya apa yang terjadi? Apakah kamu terkena serangan jantung? Ataukah sebenarnya kamu mulai gila?
Selama kurang lebih 4 tahun aku mengalami gejala ini tanpa tahu apa yang sebenarnya terjadi. Tanpa berani mengutarakan pada siapapun tentang apa yang kualami. Karena aku takut mengetahui fakta yang mungkin mengungkapkan sebenarnya aku memiliki penyakit tertentu atau sebenarnya aku gila atau mungkin aku diganggu mahluk halus (jadi semakin aneh kan dugaanku?maaf T_T) 4 tahun dan yang kutahu adalah setidaknya minimal sekali dalam setahun aku mengalami gejala ini, gejala yang kunamai sendiri sebagai "serangan menakutkan" dan yang bisa kulakukan hanyalah berdoa serangan itu tidak datang karena aku tak pernah tau kapan serangan itu datang! Sedikit stress sendiri, aku cuma bisa pasrah:(
Suatu hari aku browsing internet, saat itu aku di tahun ketiga kuliahku. Karena sedang cari ide buat nulis buku (yang ga pernah dimulai2 nulisnya:D) Iseng-iseng aku searching di mbah google tentang abnormal psikologi ~psikologi adalah subyek yang selalu membuatku tertarik sejak SMU~ Sampailah pada bahasan panic disorder (gangguan panik). Dalam artikel itu dikatakan bahwa
Panic disorder merupakan panik yang muncul tiba-tiba tanpa adanya tanda-tanda kemunculannya , seperti teror yang terjadi sebagai hasil akumulasi kecemasan. Serangan panik yang muncul disebabkan kemunculan rasa cemas dan rasa takut yang berlebihan, akhirnya individu akan merasakan dirinya akan mati.
Sangat menarik! Mendekati deskripsi umum yang aku alami. Aku mulai mencari tahu gejala-gejala serangan panik
- Jantung berdebar-debar secara mendadak
- Rasa sakit di dada
- Pusing
- Berkeringat secara berlebihan
- Gemetar anggota badan
- Perasaan cemas dan rasa sesak (nyeri) pada dada
- Tubuh menggigil disertai keringat dingin
- Perasaan akan mati
- Pikiran tidak terkendali (seperti gila mendadak)
- Berkeringat secara berlebihan
- Gemetar anggota badan
- Perasaan cemas dan rasa sesak (nyeri) pada dada
- Tubuh menggigil disertai keringat dingin
- Perasaan akan mati
- Pikiran tidak terkendali (seperti gila mendadak)
- Teror : merasa sesuatu yang sangat buruk akan terjadi dan tidak mampu untuk mencegahnya
- Ingin melarikan diri
- Perasaan seperti tercekik atau sesak nafas
- Mual dan gangguan perut
- Parestasi (mati rasa) dan kadang disertai dengan pingsan
- Perasaan seperti tercekik atau sesak nafas
- Mual dan gangguan perut
- Parestasi (mati rasa) dan kadang disertai dengan pingsan
Oh My GOD!!! Hampir semua gejala itu terjadi padaku, dan aku telah mengalaminya selama bertahun-tahun dan aku tak tahu apa yang terjadi! Ternyata ada yang tidak beres pada diriku, ada perasaan lega karena akhirnya aku tahu apa yang terjadi tetapi juga sedih karena aku mengalami gangguan semacam ini:(
Aku print artikel tentang serangan panik ini dan mulai membacanya di kamar kosku. Secara tidak sengaja kakakku membacanya ~kami tinggal di rumah kos yang sama~ Dia kaget, dia tanya mengapa aku membaca tentang serangan panik. Aku bilang ada kemungkinan aku mengidap panic disorder. Kakakku bilang, jangan memutuskan sesuatu yang belum pasti. Sebelum dokter yang memvonis aku memiliki gangguan ini sebaiknya jangan memvonis diri sendiri, karena itu menimbulkan sugesti. Mungkin dia benar, tapi hampir semua gejalanya aku miliki. Dalam hatiku aku tahu aku mengalami serangan panik dan kemungkinan mengalami panic disorder. Sedih...
Kembali, mencari informasi tentang panic disorder dan cara mengatasinya. Ada beberapa artikel yang sangat berguna buatku untuk mengendalikan serangan itu. Thank God yang telah meminjamkan sedikit ilmunya kepada manusia untuk menciptakan internet dan mbah google (hehehe...) hingga aku mendapatkan banyak ilmu tanpa harus pergi ke psikiater. Aku tahu seharusnya aku pergi ke psikiater untuk berkonsultasi. Well, aku bukan berasal dari keluarga kaya yang bisa pergi ke psikiater untuk mendapatkan advise dengan membayar sejumlah uang yang lebih baik kugunakan sebagai biaya hidup dan kuliah:) Been wise to save my money to pay my living cost:D
Berikut adalah informasi yang aku dapatkan tentang serangan panik, yang sangat berguna sebagai tambahan informasi untuk mengatasi serangan ini. For you people who have the same condition with me (got panic attacks and don't have money to go to psychiatrist, lol) Bagi yang mengalami gejala serangan panik dan punya cukup dana untuk pergi ke psikiater tetep boleh baca artikel ini kok:D
Serangan panik mungkin adalah gejala-gejala dari suatu anxiety disorder (kelainan ketakutan). Serangan-serangan ini adalah persoalan kesehatan yang serius di Amerika dan dinegara ini paling sedikit 1,7% dari orang dewasanya atau 3 juta penduduk akan mendapat serangan panik suatu waktu dalam kehidupannya. Gejala-gejalanya adalah berbeda sangat mencolok dari tipe-tipe ketakutan lainnya dimana serangan panik datangnya sangat tiba-tiba dan tidak diduga, sepertinya tidak terprovokasi dan sering kali melumpuhkan.
Serangan panik dapat terjadi kapan saja bahkan waktu tidur sekalipun. Umumnya serangan akan memuncak dalam waktu 10 menit, namun beberapa gejala akan berlangsung lebih lama.
Sekali seseorang mendapat serangan panik, misalnya, ketika mengendarai mobil, sedang belanja di toko yang penuh sesak, atau sedang berada didalam lift (elevator), maka dia bisa dapat mengembangkan takut yang tidak rasional, yang disebut phobia pada situasi-situasi ini dan mulai menghindari mereka. Pada akhirnya, pola dari menghindari dan tingkat ketakutan atas serangan lainnya, dapat mencapai suatu titik dimana individu dengan panic disorder mungkin tidak lagi mampu mengendarai mobil atau bahkan keluar dari rumah. Pada tingkat ini, individu ini disebut mempunyai panic disorder dengan agoraphobia. Jadi panic disorder dapat mempunyai dampak serius pada kehidupan sehari-hari dari seseorang seperti juga penyakit-penyakit utama lainnya, kecuali individu tersebut mendapat perawatan yang efektif.
Apakah Serangan Panik Hal yang serius ?
Ya, serangan panik adalah nyata dan berpotensi melumpuhkan emosi, namun mereka dapat dikontrol dengan perawatan khusus. Disebabkan oleh gejala-gejala mengganggu yang menyertai serangan panik, mereka dapat disalah artikan sebagai serangan jantung atau penyakit lainnya yang mengancam nyawa. Orang-orang sering pergi ke ruang darurat rumah sakit ketika mereka mendapat serangan panik dan tes-tes kedokteran yang luas dapat dilakukan untuk mengesampingkan kondisi-kondisi ini.
Umumnya personal kedokteran akan mencoba meyakinkan pasien serangan panik bahwa mereka tidak ada dalam bahaya. Namun usaha-usaha untuk meyakinkan ini dapat kadang-kadang menambah kesulitan-kesulitan pasien: Jika dokter menggunakan ekspresi seperti " tidak ada yang serius", "semua hanya pikiran anda saja" atau "tidak ada yang perlu dikhwatirkan", ini akan memberi kesan yang tidak benar bahwa tidak ada persoalan yang nyata dan bahwa perawatan adalah tidak mungkin atau perlu. Intinya adalah serangan panik dapat sangat serius, namun itu tidak membahayakan organ-organ tubuh.
Penyebab Serangan Panik
Menurut suatu teori dari panic disorder, "sistim peringatan" yang normal dari tubuh, seperangkat mekanisme dari mental dan fisik yang mengizinkan seseorang merespon kepada ancaman, cenderung dipicu untuk yang tidak penting, ketika tidak ada ancaman. Ilmuwan tidak tahu secara tepat mengapa ini terjadi atau mengapa beberapa orang lebih rentan terhadap persoalan ini dari pada lainnya. Panic disorder ditemukan terjadi di keluarga, dan ini dapat berarti bahwa warisan (gen) memainkan peran yang kuat dalam menentukan siapa saja yang akan mendapatkannya. Bagaimanapun juga banyak orang tidak mempunyai sejarah keluarga dari kelainan ini, mengembangkan kelainan ini. Seringkali serangan pertama dipicu oleh sakit fisik, stres hidup berat, atau mungkin obat-obatan yang meningkatkan aktivitas bagian otak yang berhubungan dengan reaksi takut.
Perawatan Serangan Panik
Berkat penelitian, ada beberapa variasi perawatan yang tersedia, termasuk beberapa obat-obatan yang efektif dan bentun-bentuk tertentu dari psikoterapi. Dari segi obat-obatan, anggota khusus dari obat-obatan dari selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) dan keluarga benzodiazepine telah disetujui oleh FDA (Food and Drug Administration) untuk merawat panic disorders. Contoh-contoh dari obat-obatan ini termasuk sertraline (Zoloft) dan paroxetine (Paxil) dari grup SSRI dan clonazepam (Klonopin) dari grup benzodiazepine. Obat-obatan dari keluarga beta blockers (contohnya propranolol) kadang-kadang digunakan untuk mengobati gejala fisik yang berhubungan dengan serangan panik.
Komponen psikoterapi untuk perawatan panic disorder adalah sama pentingnya seperti perawatan dengan obat-obatan. Kenyataannya, penelitian menunjukan bahwa kombinasi dari perawatan obat-obatan dan psikoterapi lebih efektif dari pada perawatan sendiri-sendiri. Untuk menangani ketakutan, terapi teori tingkah laku diterima secara luas sebagai suatu bentuk efektif dari psikoterapi. Bentuk terapi itu mencoba menolong orang dengan panic disorder mengidentifikasi dan mengurangi pikiran-pikiran dan kelakuan-kelakuan yang tidak rasional yang memperkuat gejala-gejala panik. Teknik-teknik tingkah laku yang sering digunakan untuk mengurangi ketakutan termasuk teknik-teknik relaksasi dan secara berangsur meningkatkan paparan (exposure) kepada situasi yang sebelumnya dapat meningkatkan ketakutan pada individu itu.
Seringkali suatu kombinasi psikoterapi dan obat-obatan memberikan hasil yang baik. Perbaikan umumnya tercatat dalam periode waktu yang agak singkat, sekitar 2 sampai 3 bulan. Jadi perawtan yang memadai untuk panic disorder dapat mencegah serangan panik atau paling sedikit secara substansi mengurangi parahnya dan frekwensinya, membawa keringan kepada 70 sampai 90% dari orang-orang dengan panic disorder.
Ada juga hal-hal yang dapat dibuat oleh orang-orang denga panic disorder untuk membuat terapi/perawatan lebih efektif. Karena bahan-bahan seperti kopi, alkohol dan obat-obat terlarang dapat memperburuk serangan panik, maka bahan-bahan tersebut harus dihindari. Mungkin cukup berharga untuk melakukan latihan aerobik dan teknk menagemen stres seperti tarik napas yang dalam dan yoga, dimana aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut ternyata membantu mengurangi frekwensi dan keparahan dari serangan panik.
Sebagai tambahan, orang-orang dengan panic disorder mungkin memerlukan perawatan untuk persoalan emosi lainnya. Depresi sering dihubungkan dengan panic disorder, seperti juga alkohol dan penyalahgunaan obat-obatan. Penelitian baru-baru ini juga menunjukan bahwa percobaan-percobaan bunuh diri lebih sering pada orang-orang dengan panic disorder. Beruntung persoalan-persoalan yang berhubungan denga panic disorder ini dapat diatasi secara efektif, sama seperti panic disorder sendiri.
Sangat tragis bahwa banyak orang dengan serangan panik tidak mencari atau menerima perawatan/pengobatan.
Akibat Serangan Panik Tidak Dirawat
Serangan-serangan panik cenderung berlangsung selama beberapa bulan atau tahun. Ketika serangan panik ini secara khas mulai pada remaja, pada beberapa orang gejala-gejalanya dapat timbul lebih awal atau belakangan dalam kehidupannya. Jika dibiarkan tidak terawat, ia akan memperburuk sampai satu titik dimana kehidupan orang itu terpengaruh secara serius oleh serangan panik dan oleh usaha-usaha menghindari atau menyembunyikan mereka. Kenyataannya banyak orang mempunyai persoalan dengan teman-teman dan keluarga atau kehilangan pekerjaan ketika sedang berjuang mengatasi serangan-serangan panik. Mungkin ada periode perbaikan secara spontan pada serangan panik, namun umumnya tidak hilang sama sekali kecuali individu itu menerima perawatan yang dirancang secara spesifik untuk menolong orang-orang dengan serangan panik.
Sunday, Time to...
It's Sunday! Time to be lazy girl! LOL
Yippie yippie yey yey... Sunday is one day where I could be relax and let go off my work stress. I luv Sunday... but sometimes this day makes me become the laziest person in the world:D Wanna know the reason?
1. Wake up at 6AM untill passed my Fajr Pray...Forgive me God:~(
2. Until 1PM still not take a bath yet (Okay, it's nasty!:p)
3. Stay in my room, dating with my cute DELL-Pinko since my date with my BF are being canceled cuz he got sick (get well soon Hun!).. blogging, listening nice music, while eating cashewnut milk chocolate and drink delicious jasmine tea:D
A complete set of laziness!!! LOL
Awgh.. I feel asleep again.. Okay That's it! I go to bath now! See U^_^
Friday, August 7, 2009
The Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho
A community devoured by greed, cowardice, and fear. A man persecuted by the ghosts of his painful past. A young woman searching for happiness. In one eventful week, each will face questions of life, death, and power, and each will choose a path. Will they choose good or evil?
In the remote village of Viscos -- a village too small to be on any map, a place where time seems to stand still -- a stranger arrives, carrying with him a backpack containing a notebook and eleven gold bars. He comes searching for the answer to a question that torments him: Are human beings, in essence, good or evil? In welcoming the mysterious foreigner, the whole village becomes an accomplice to his sophisticated plot, which will forever mark their lives.
Paulo Coelho's stunning novel explores the timeless struggle between good and evil, and brings to our everyday dilemmas fresh perspective: incentive to master the fear that prevents us from following our dreams, from being different, from truly living.
The Devil and Miss Prym is a story charged with emotion, in which the integrity of being human meets a terrifying test.
Please follow link below to download the book:
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paulo coelho
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Bad Planning and Bad System Caused...
When you're working you should not be sleepy!
That's statement is not suitable with my condition right now. I am sooooooooo sleeepppyyyyy.... right now:( Well.. well.. well.. don't blame me if I'm not in my peak condition today because yesterday I must stay in office from 08.00AM to 11.00PM. WOW!!! Now you can say this word...wow.. I work 15 hours yesterday. I can say it's part of my responsibility, but I also can say it's production department fault till I must stay until late. Wanna know the story? Okay.. let me start...
I have customer, you can call him X. X is ordering goods from our company. According to Production Department the will able to deliver on Y-date. But when the Y-date is coming the goods is still in production, while the container is already came in factory. What a great planning job! The container is coming in the afternoon but the goods are not ready yet?! Of course warehouse people not palletize the goods yet! So I, and our Export Department must wait for Warehouse palletize it, telly it, then make the packing telly to use as source to make packing list. Long process right? It is... According to the right manual, the packing telly should be ready at least one day before stuffing date. But the fact? That's only manual without any implementation!
Okay, what's my role here in this company until I must stay too?
I'm the marketer. But I must make the pallet label by my self before my warehouse staff post it in the pallet. The question is why I didn't ask somebody else(means the warehouse people)? The answer is our management don't want any body else to do it except me, they don't believe them. The second reason why I must stay until late was, I must send the Packing List to Buyer by my self because our Export Department don't have their own email account since they don't trust Export staff to access the internet in office. Weird isn't it? An export department that should liaise with many institution and shipping agent must borrow marketing email account to send and received email. The fact, that's the way it is...
It's the weaknesses of our system that make things run not effectively and make lower performance. As you can see when person must work 15 hours a day, they will get tired and less sleep. And this caused that person get sleepy the next day which means cause lower working performance and less concentrate. This case happens very often, mostly to our export department..It's not good for export staff health and performance, and also not good for company! Is it possible that management will understand about this issue and start to repairing the running system to give benefits for all sides? Wait and See...
~We are caterpillars that transforming to butterflies...
That's statement is not suitable with my condition right now. I am sooooooooo sleeepppyyyyy.... right now:( Well.. well.. well.. don't blame me if I'm not in my peak condition today because yesterday I must stay in office from 08.00AM to 11.00PM. WOW!!! Now you can say this word...wow.. I work 15 hours yesterday. I can say it's part of my responsibility, but I also can say it's production department fault till I must stay until late. Wanna know the story? Okay.. let me start...
I have customer, you can call him X. X is ordering goods from our company. According to Production Department the will able to deliver on Y-date. But when the Y-date is coming the goods is still in production, while the container is already came in factory. What a great planning job! The container is coming in the afternoon but the goods are not ready yet?! Of course warehouse people not palletize the goods yet! So I, and our Export Department must wait for Warehouse palletize it, telly it, then make the packing telly to use as source to make packing list. Long process right? It is... According to the right manual, the packing telly should be ready at least one day before stuffing date. But the fact? That's only manual without any implementation!
Okay, what's my role here in this company until I must stay too?
I'm the marketer. But I must make the pallet label by my self before my warehouse staff post it in the pallet. The question is why I didn't ask somebody else(means the warehouse people)? The answer is our management don't want any body else to do it except me, they don't believe them. The second reason why I must stay until late was, I must send the Packing List to Buyer by my self because our Export Department don't have their own email account since they don't trust Export staff to access the internet in office. Weird isn't it? An export department that should liaise with many institution and shipping agent must borrow marketing email account to send and received email. The fact, that's the way it is...
It's the weaknesses of our system that make things run not effectively and make lower performance. As you can see when person must work 15 hours a day, they will get tired and less sleep. And this caused that person get sleepy the next day which means cause lower working performance and less concentrate. This case happens very often, mostly to our export department..It's not good for export staff health and performance, and also not good for company! Is it possible that management will understand about this issue and start to repairing the running system to give benefits for all sides? Wait and See...
~We are caterpillars that transforming to butterflies...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
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Sunday, August 2, 2009
Pemilik Kontrakan Yang Aneh!
Uda sebulan ini aku ngontrak dengan seorang temanku dan suaminya. Hidup rasanya jadi legaaaa.. Biasanya di kosan dengan nenek kos yang rada bawel sekarang uda ga ada yang bawelin, senang banget rasanya^0^ Uda gitu my pren masak tiap hari, jadi aku ikutan bantuin masak. Berat badan pun langsung naek saking makmurnya...Whuahaha...Ibuku pasti seneng banget liat aku gemukan sekarang (FYI, gain more weight is a big problem for me!LOL). Uda gitu bisa akses internet dari rumah cuz sinyal si SMART lumayan kenceng...Uhm.. home sweet home banget deh rasanya!
Kalo di sinteron ato telenovela kan biasanya sang bintang utama setelah hepi sejenak langsung dihadapkan ke masalah baru nih, nah kayaknya aku and my pren harus memulai kisah sinetron kami mulai hari ini. Kisahnya di mulai pagi ini...
Tetangga depan rumah tadi pagi ngasih cemilan buat kita, trus ngobrol-ngobrol. Ya... bahasa orang rumahannya ngerumpi gitu lah... Dia kasih tau gimana sejarah orang-orang yang pernah ngontrak disini. Intinya adalah, gak satu orang pun bisa bertahan di rumah ini sampe kontraknya habis. Eits, jangan berpikiran mistis dulu yah... bukan karena rumahnya berhantu tapi karena ada masalah dengan pemilik rumah. Oopsie... kok kayaknya feeling buruk mulai muncul neh... Kisah tetangga berlanjut, ada satu keluarga yang pernah ngontrak dan diusir oleh anak pemilik kontrakan cuz telat tiga hari bayar listrik. Padahal dia baru tinggal 4 bulan, dan setelah diusir uang sisa kontrakannya nggak dikembalikan...Oh kejamnya... Ada juga juragan mangga yang ngontrak beberapa bulan aja, katanya juga bersiteru dengan pemilik kontrakan dan akhirnya meninggalkan kontrakan ini sebelum waktunya, dan sekali lagi... uang sisanya ga dikembalikan.
Usut punya usut ini adalah semacam trik dari si pemilik kontrakan agar para pengontrak keluar dari rumahnya sebelum kontraknya habis. Dan uang yang ia terima terus mengalir masuk sementara pengontraknya terus berganti setidaknya 2 kali dalam setahun. Hum... ini menjadi semacam bisnis yang jahat! Orang ngontrak rumah kan untuk jangka panjang, setidaknnya minimal setahun...kenapa dia tega sekali? Apa emang begitu tingkah seorang penjudi? (baru tau juga kalo si pemilik rumah itu tukang judi sabung ayam dan mantan preman, ddooohhh...)
Kalo mau runtut kebelakang, sebenarnya aku n my pren nerusin kontrak temenku (katakanlah si A) di rumah ini. Si A dulunya ngontrak dengan beberapa temannya, tapi satu persatu akhirnya mereka terpisah. Ada yang diterima kerja di kota lain, ada juga yang ngerasa ga nyaman tinggal disini. Akhirnya tinggallah si A sendiri yang akhirnya ga nyaman juga jika harus tinggal di rumah sebesar ini sendirian. Berdasarkan info dari my bf, A mengatakan berniat untuk mengalih kontrakan rumah ini. Dan berhubung saat itu kami butuh rumah, dan menurut si A enak tempatnya (kami juga liat rumahnya cukup bagus) akhirnya kami memutuskan pindah kesini. Hey... A forgot about how awfull the house owner is!!! Or he never knew it??
Kisah masih berlanjut, disini kisah utamanya dimulai... karena bintang sinetronnya kan aku n my pren:D
Si Bapak pemilik rumah datang setelah maghrib, dengan seorang lelaki yang aku nggak tau sapa dia minta menemui suami my pren. Ternyata dia secara ga langsung minta kami perpanjang kontrak sekarang jika emang ngerasa cocok (kayaknya orangnya lagi butuh duit),suami my pren ga mau tentunya dia bilang mau mutusin klo kontraknya uda mau habis aja. Trus dia juga bilang mau pinjem duit and sebagai jaminannya bawa BPKB motornya, sekali lagi suami my pren mengelak dengan mengatakan dia bukan kantor dan menyarankan untuk bawa BPKBnya ke BPR buat pinjem uang, Whuahaha.. pinternya...Yang lebih parah lagi dia bilang mau pinjem rumah ini selam 5 hari kalo dia mo ngadain acara nikahan anaknya! What the ****!!! Suami my pren ga mau komen, setelah orangnya pergi dia bilang ke kami ga usah perpanjang kontrakan ini n segera cari kontrakan yang baru aja. I'm absoultely agree with him!!! Mana ada orang ngontrak rumah trus rumahnya dipinjem buat nikahin anaknya? Hello?? Waras ato enggak si tuh orang? Rumah ini kan hak kami sampe kontraknya abis, nah kita mau diusir kemana? Seenaknya aja!
Kisah ini masih berlanjut, karena kami belum mengiyakan apa pun! Bener-bener orang yang aneh... To be continued deh...
Tips for you guys who're planning to rent a house for living:
1. Look at the house condition
2. Find information about the house owner (term and condition is a must!)
3. Don't be like us! Although we are not become victim of that crazy owner yet but we already felt how annoying this case to our life! So, be wise!!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Tumor Jinak Payudara
Tumor! Satu kata ini aja udah bikin ngeri di telinga, apalagi kalo dokter bilang ada tumor di payudaramu.. deuh langsung saraf stres maju duluan!! Eits jangan panik dulu... aku adalah salah seorang yang pernah memiliki tumor jinak di payudaraku. Dan alhamdulillah, dengan penanganan yang tepat aku dapat sehat seperti sedia kala;)Simak beberapa informasi yang aku kumpulkan berikut yah...
Sebenarnya apa seh tumor payudara itu? Secara medis dikatakan bahwa tumor payudara adalah benjolan abnormal yang terdapat pada payudara yang disebabkan ketidaknormalan pertumbuhan sel dalam jaringan payudara. Ada dua jenis tumor, jinak dan ganas. Tumor yang jinak dapat dicirikan dengan pertumbuhannya yang lambat dan tidak menyebar ke bagian lain. Sedangkan tumor ganas atau yang biasa disebut kanker memiliki sifat pertumbuhan yang cepat dan menyebar ke jaringan lainnya. Tumor jinak biasanya berupa benjolan yang bisa digerakkan ke kanan dan kekiri, dan permukaannya licin. Tapi jika benjolannya keras, batasannya tidak tegas, dan permukaannya kasar biasanya merupakan tumor ganas. Tentu saja untuk lebih pastinya kita harus memeriksakan benjolan itu ke dokter.
Pemeriksaan secara mandiri juga dapat kita lakukan untuk mengecek apakah ada benjolan di payudara kita, hal ini disebut SADARI (pemerikSAan payuDAra sendiRI). Bagi yang belum tau bagaimana cara melakukan SADARI, silahkan simak tips berikut:
1. Berdiri di depan cermin dengan kedua tangan di pinggang. Perhatikan bentuk, ukuran, dan warna payudara serta puting. Jika ada kulit tempat payudara "masuk" kedalam, berkerut, kemerahan, terdapat luka yang sulit sembuh atau membengkak, letak puting susu retraksi/masuk ke
dalam atau posisinya tidak normal segera periksakan ke dokter.
2. Angkat kedua belah tangan keatas, lakukan pengamatan seperti langkah pertama kemudian pencet puting susu jika ada cairan yang keluar segera perikasakan diri ke dokter.
3. Berbaring dengan tangan kanan (yang akan diperiksa payudara kanan) diletakkan di bawah kepala, tangan kiri akan digunakan untuk memeriksa payudara. Raba seluruh payudara (seperti pada gambar) mulai dari atas ke bawah, dari sisi kiri ke arah dalam, dari arah lekukan ketiak sampai ke payudara. Bisa juga mulai dari puting sampai ke sisi luar linkaran payudara dengan gerakan melingkar. Pastikan seluruh permukaan payudara terdeteksi, raba dengan kekuatan ringan, halus, tapi mencapai kedalaman payudara (bisa merasakan tulang iga di belakang bayudara)
4. Lakukan seperti langkah ketiga tapi dalam keadaan berdiri atau duduk. Lebih mudah dilakukan saat mandi, karena permukaan payudara menjadi lebih licin dan keberadaan benjolan lebih mudah terdeteksi.
Aku uda tau tentang tehnik SADARI ini semenjak aku kuliah, dan aku rajin banget memeriksa payudaraku selama masih kuliah. Saat aku bekerja, aku mulai lupa (ato mungkin tepatnya malas:p) memeriksa payudaraku yang seharusnya dilakukan setiap bulan beberapa hari setelah kita selesai menstruasi. Sekitar bulan maret 2008 aku iseng memeriksa adanya benjolan di payudaraku karena ada salah satu temanku yang memilik tumor jinak di payudaranya. Hasilnya, sungguh mengejutkan! Di payudara kananku terdapat benjolan kecil yang bisa digerakkan, tidak terasa sakit, tapi keberadaaannya sangat mengganggu pikiranku:( Apalagi aku orang awam mengenai tumor di payudara,aku ketakutan! Aku takut itu tumor ganas yang menjadi kanker!
Aku pergi menemui dokter di klinik tempat aku bekerja, dia mendiagnosa bahwa aku memiliki tumor jinak. Untuk menegaskan, aku melakukan tes USG di sebuah lab klinik, dan hasilnya sama diduga memiliki tumor jinak payudara. Semakin stres-lah aku. Meskipun secara formologi dan berdasarkan hasil USG merupakan tumor jinak tapi belum berarti tumor itu benar-benar jinak. Kata dokter aku harus biopsi alias mengangkat tumorku lalu memeriksakannya untuk dilakukan tes PA (patologi anatomi). Stres lagi! Liat jarum suntik aja aku udah ngeri apalagi harus menjalani operasi! Meskipun cuma one day surgery alias operasi sehari dan langsung bisa pulang tapi tetep aja aku paranoid sendiri:(
Selama setaun aku membiarkan tumor itu berada dalam payudaraku karena aku ketakutan sendiri, aku ga peduli meskipun dokterku bilang itu cuman operasi kecil. Aku cuma mengatur pola makan, mencoba hidup lebih sehat, dan mengkonsumsi obat herbal selama setahun terakhir tetapi hasilnya tidak optimal. tumornya mengecil tapi masih aja disana! Akhirnya aku memutuskan menjalani operasi setelah muncul satu benjolan lagi di betisku. Alamak... suka sekali benjolan-benjolan itu tumbuh di badanku!!!
Februari 2009 aku berani maju ke meja operasi, dengan dua diagnosa tumor jinak di payudara dan atherum (luka yang tak bisa sembuh dan tumbuh semacam daging) di betis. 1,5 jam di meja operasi memang pengalaman yang lain dari pada yang lain. Tak terasa sakit pada saat operasi karena aku di bius lokal, dokter bedahnya juga baek banget, sangat membantuku untuk tetap tenang (thanks doctor A!) Sangat jauh dari bayanganku, ternyata ga begitu menakutkan.. Ehehehe... Buat temen-temen yang didiagnosa memiliki tumor jinak dipayudara dan disarankan operasi pengangkatan, jangan takut deh.. insya Allah ini yang terbaik buat kesehatan kita:)
Untuk penyebab tumor ini secara umum belum dapat dipastikan, karena ada berbagai faktor yang berpengaruh antara lain pola makan yang kurang sehat, menikah muda, tidak memberikan ASI pada anak, bahan-bahan kimia seperti saccarine, nikotin, tar asap rokok, oral kontrasepsi, dan kelemahan genetis sel-sel tubuh.
Setelah dilakukan patologi anatomi kita dapat mengetahui dengan pasti apakah tumor itu jinak atau ganas. Alhamdulillah tumorku jinak, jadi aku bisa bernafas lega. Jika jinak, setiap bulan sekali lakukan SADARI dan setiap enam bulan sekali berkonsultasi kembali dengan dokter kamu untuk mendeteksi lebih lanjut apakah ada kemunculan kembali si tumor. Jika ganas, segera konsultasikan dengan dokter spesialis dan ikuti langkah-langkah penyembuhan yang diberikan.
Pada intinya, jika kamu mendeteksi adanya benjolan jangan segan-segan berkonsultasi dengan dokter. Karena deteksi dini akan mempermudah penanganan penyakit kamu! Dan yang terpenting, mulai sekarang mulailah hidup sehat, kurangi junk food dan makanan berpengawet, pewarna, atau berMSG. Back to nature aja yah..
Keep on healthy!
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